The Covid "Vaccine" Had No Benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain.

Executive summary

Official US government data, “gold standard data,” shows that the vaccine didn’t save any COVID lives at all. None.

In fact, if anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely to die from COVID.

To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured, you should know it was all for nothing. What the Nurses Saw: A... McCarthy, Ken Best Price: $16.95 Buy New $18.95 (as of 12:17 UTC - Details)

The single most stunning data point that nobody can explain

The single most stunning piece of official US government data is the US Nursing home data. I first wrote about this nearly a year ago. Since then, there have been no investigations. Nobody wants to talk about it. Here’s why…

I was tipped off by an insider that her nursing home, Apple Valley Village Health Care Center, located in Apple Valley, MN started rolling out the injections on December 28, 2020. The insider also told me that shortly thereafter staff members were called back from their Christmas vacations to deal with all the deaths.

Let’s see what the official US Medicare records that anyone can download here say about COVID cases and deaths before the shots rolled out.

I went on the query page on that site and downloaded the records for Apple Valley Village, highlighted the two key columns in red, and saved them in an Excel spreadsheet here so you can see for yourself. It took me about 60 seconds to do that.

For the 32 week period ending 12/27/20 (right before the shots started being rolled out), there were 27 COVID cases, and 0 COVID deaths. There was an average of 1 death per week (there were 32 deaths in the 32 weeks listed).

Now let’s look at what happened in just a 3 week period right after the shots were administered (rows 35 to 37 in the spreadsheet): 90 COVID cases resulting in 28 COVID deaths. In that 3 week period after the shots, AVV averaged 8 all-cause deaths per week, which is 8X higher than normal.

This is not a statistical anomaly. That is impossible if the vaccine isn’t killing people. You can’t keep injecting people with something that you know is killing people like this unless you give them informed consent.

I’ve filed a criminal complaint with the Apple Valley Police Department.

Which means that the people at AVV are criminally negligent for not stopping the shots. So I’ve reported this

The COVID death rate at AVV suggests we should have seen at most 1.5 deaths in the 90 COVID cases, but we observed 28. The chance of that happening by pure random chance is 6.6e-26. In short, we are 99.999999999999999999999999% confident this didn’t happen by chance.

And this didn’t happen because they changed the criteria for dying from COVID, because the weekly all-cause death rate jumped from 1 to 8 for three weeks straight after the rollout. That can happen by chance, but it is nearly impossible (probability 2.6e-14). So it’s unlikely Apple Valley Village just got “unlucky.”

Something caused a lot of people to die from COVID right after the shot rollout.

If it wasn’t the shots, what was it? Nothing else can explain both the rise in COVID death rate (from 0% to 30%) as well as the 8X increase in all-cause mortality.

There is no possible explanation other than the deaths were caused by the “safe and effective” COVID vaccine.

This is why Apple Valley Village staff will never comment.

This is why the FDA and CDC won’t comment. This is why the New York Times will never cover this story. There is no place to hide on this data.

I’m not claiming this is happening everywhere. I’m only saying that the vaccine was supposed to significantly REDUCE all-cause mortality from COVID. If that were the case, this anecdote is statistically impossible. And yet it happened.

In science, if you can’t explain a data point, you don’t just write it off. You have to explain it or at least publicly admit that your hypothesis could be wrong until you can explain it.

And this wasn’t cherry picked either. In the entire time I’ve been a “misinformation spreader,” I’ve only gotten one insider call from someone in a nursing home who would reveal the date that the vaccine was rolled out in her facility. One.

And even if I scoured all 15,000 nursing homes for a case like this, it still can’t happen because the probabilities are too small.

So I had two independent ways at looking at this data: the tip from the insider and the data reported to the government. Both aligned.

Does this deserve investigation? Virus Mania: Corona/CO... Scoglio, Stefano Best Price: $40.19 Buy New $47.59 (as of 11:47 UTC - Details)

Of course!

But there will be no investigations. Ever.

Because that’s the way science works nowaday. It’s all about ignoring all credible evidence that doesn’t support the narrative. And that should be troubling for everyone.

Apple Valley isn’t talking, even when a MN State Representative calls!

Shane Mekeland, House District 27A Minnesota, reached out to Apple Valley Village to ask them if they were investigating the excess deaths.

They said, “No comment” and immediately hung up the phone.

Why did they do that? It looks like they have something to hide.

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