Jordan Schachtel Has Literally Been a Paid Pro-Israeli Government Activist

Last week I received a rather rude email from one Jordan Schachtel, who I had never heard of, insinuating that we at the Mises Institute had dropped Walter Block from his unpaid senior fellow title because he is “pro-Israel.”  Translation:  We’re a bunch of antisemites.  I responded that Walter was fired as an unpaid senior fellow because of his loud and persistent defense of the war crimes being committed by the Israeli government, something that is fundamentally at odds with our mission.  Walter was always pro-Israel and no one at the Mises Institute cared, but being pro war crimes is entirely different.  Schachtel responded that he had read everything Walter has written on the subject and found no sign of his supporting the bombing and killing of civilians in Gaza, a falsehood that I wrote about here.  He then published a Substack article smearing me (“neoconfederate!”), a board member of the Mises Institute, and the Mises Institute in general.

Lo and behold, we now discover that Jordan Schachtel has literally been a paid propagandist for the Israeli government working on “secretive social media campaigns” for an organization called “The Israel Project.”  Defending war crimes committed by the Israeli government with intellectual dishonesty apparently pays very well.


2:34 pm on May 31, 2024