It is said a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is a paragraph that tells a story:
- “Former United States President Donald J. Trump, currently facing 34 felony counts in criminal court, is campaigning for re-election this fall by taking shots at the increasingly popular electric car industry. Trump has already called for oil and gas industry executives to donate significant campaign funds in exchange for a reversal of Biden administration climate policies. If elected this November, Trump would roll back tailpipe emissions targets and dramatically slash EV tax credits. These policies may prove unpopular even among Republican voters as electric vehicle production has spurred job growth and investment in Southern states.”
Italics added.
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Yes, Trump is “facing 34 felony counts” – that amount to the same thing as being accused of witchery by a court in Salem, Massachusetts, 400 years ago. Didst thou indeed see the man dance with the devill by the light of the moon? The “counts” are contrivances – irrespective of anyone’s feelings about the Orange Man – and every man (and woman) ought to be appalled – and very worried – that if such can be done to this man, it could and will be done to them, too.
But the point is that the writer begins his paragraph with this business about the “counts” to clumsily set the stage for the rest of what he writes about Trump “taking shots at the increasingly popular electric car industry,” which – naturally – only a criminal facing 34 counts would do.
See how that works?
“Increasingly popular”? How that did that one slide by the copy desk? Literally the opposite being the case. Sales of battery-powered devices (electric vehicles) are plummeting. VW recently announced that while overall sales of its cars that are not devices are up almost 30 percent, sales of devices are down more than 30 percent. Mercedes is walking back its prior “commitment” to sell only battery powered devices by the early 2030s – because it can’t sell the battery powered devices it already has in its lineup.
Ford says it loses $100,000 on every device it “sells.”
That is “increasingly popular” like “safe and effective.”
“Roll back tailpipe emissions targets.”
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Where to begin? Well, in the first place, there is this persistent conflation of carbon dioxide with gasses that cause or worsen air pollution. Carbon dioxide does not cause or worsen air pollution, which is why it was never said to be an “emission” until it became necessary for political reasons to conflate it with the gasses that do. These having been all-but-eliminated from the tailpipes of new cars some 30 years ago. People can see – and smell air pollution and so – naturally – do not like it. One cannot see – much less smell – “climate change,” which is why it is necessary to frame the gas that supposedly causes it as an “emission,” so that people will accept government edicts that push devices, very much the same as drugs were pushed as necessary to “stop the spread” of a plague people were made to fear that was only scary because of the lies people were told about it.
If the writer does not know that carbon dioxide is not an “emission” in the sense commonly understood then he is an ignoramus and has no business writing about “emissions.” If he does know it – and fails to explain it in his writing – then he is a malicious writer, like the ones who wrote about “safe and effective.”
There is also no mention of the conflation of “emissions” with federal gas mileage edicts; i.e., CAFE – standing for Corporate Average Fuel Economy Requirements.