The video I sent to you on May 10, 2024 is the visually documented truth of what Palestine was from 1920 to 1948, before the State of Israel came into existence in 1948. Palestine was a vibrant, modern, developing society not a land without a people, except for roaming Bedouins living in the desert in tents and an unorganized, uneducated, backward group of primitive farmers and menial laborers as portrayed in the Western press and mass media.
Since the video was forty-eight minutes long, I waited six days, so folks would have ample time to view it, if they so desired, before sending out this second installment of “Censorship is Evil and Leads to Evermore Evil.” This is a twenty-four minute documentary produced in 1950, two years after Israel became a State titled, “Sands of Sorrow,”
It visually documents the despicable conditions to which millions of modern Palestinian children, women and men were reduced by the State of Israel within two years after it declared itself sovereign over what before May 14, 1948 was universally known, in ancient time and in times contemporary to 194, as Palestine.
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Again, Nescire autem quid antequam natus sis acciderit id est semper esse puerum. “Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever.” (Cicero)
As was noted at the opening of “Censorship is Evil and Leads to Evermore Evil” knowing the facts in a situation is essential to acting with Christlike love in that situation. Without the facts a Christian asking the question, “What would Jesus do here” is unanswerable. Today most of the bombs and bullets, whether deliver from land or air, used in the genocide of the Palestinian people are purchased by American’s tax payer dollars. The money of American taxpayers is as indispensable to the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza as the money of Krupp Industries, I.G. Farben and Siemens Industries was to the genocide of the Jews in Nazi Germany. How should an American (U.S.) Catholic or Christian respond to this fact? How must you respond to it? If the use of your tax dollars as a major means, perhaps the primary means, to build and transport instrument of human destruction to an Israeli leadership and military actively engaged in a continuing process genocide does not raise within you a moral imperative to do something so that you are not just another silent, acquiescent link in the chain in the American-Israeli genocidal lalapalooza, then you better pinch yourself to see if you are still alive.
If I artist skills, I would draw a cartoon of a mother and father sitting with their young son at the dinner table in 2040 and the little guy asking in all innocent, “Mommy and Daddy what did you do during the American-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people?”
Everyone can do something. And, please don’t judge the value of your effort by human standards. Judge it by the love of God and neighbor that motivates it and that fills it.