
Part 1: Ending the agathokakological man.

The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door.

— Rust Cohle

The men of yesterday are never coming back.

The transhuman agenda is not just one of species alteration at the DNA level, and iatrogenocide carnage at the reproductive level, it comprises a distinctive component of demolition through gender confusion and sex-specific trait destruction. The Toastmaster’... Prochnow, Herbert V. Best Price: $1.75 Buy New $16.65 (as of 05:44 UTC - Details)

On the male side of the spectrum, this involves inducing effeminate and unnatural characteristics in men, to create passive, and submissive creatures who will consciously deny millennia of hard-wired psychology and biology so that the forces of global eugenics and depopulation can render their most adequate resistance impotent.

Socially and culturally this destruction has been engineered through movements like feminism and progressive education, with orthodoxies fabricated in faux academic departments to propagate terms like “toxic masculinity,” so that parents encourage their young men to actively question their innate dispositions and participate in denying their biology as something righteous and noble.

Strong, resilient, fearless men who can recognize that a war has been declared on their families, their countries, and their beliefs—denying their children a better life (not necessarily a peaceful and stable one as everything worthwhile must be constantly fought for) and the opportunity to evolve into their biological imperatives—would not so easily back down against the forces they recognize as culpable. So these men have to be, not just neutered and neutralized, but constantly humiliated and demoralized.

The struggle to hold onto those men, to shepherd and usher all their advantageous qualities from previous epochs to resurrect them in the present is a dignified challenge whose resurrectionists should be applauded.

But this struggle is either won or lost inside the family, the classroom, and online, inside The Matrix, with boys of all ages wearing a target on their backs.

The belligerents are patient. They play a long game. They have recognized that the road to manhood starts with boys, and their futures as worthy men can be robbed in advance of biological, psychological, and physiological actualization.

The forces of social and cultural deterioration have spent decades endocrinologically wrecking and psychologically targeting boys so that they never develop into those strong and useful men—the defenders of society in bygone eras.

The majority of mothers and fathers today are clueless about this war on their boys. They are lost causes in shielding their sons from the forces aligned against them, prohibiting their natural transformation into young men with measurable levels of testosterone that will increase their libido and desires to procreate in the future, blessing their parents with those coveted grandchildren.

The biological transformation of their slinky wirey frames into stout and bulk machines is no evolutionary guarantee. It may not happen, denying them the confidence that partially comes from possessing toughness and grit to defend themselves, and protect their future mate and offspring. The latter is a top three hardwired psycho-biological factor in male mate selection for females.

The other two factors for mate selection are the ability to provide for her and her offspring, and women being competitive creatures will seek out men whom other women find highly desirable. No matter what delusions programmed feminists embrace, no man who displays effeminate traits over masculine traits; is physically incapable of protecting a woman and her offspring, and who provides less than the woman, will ever be desirable to women.

The young boys of today don’t have a chance without fathers who comprehend just how many landmines have been planted along their son’s path toward becoming what his natural predisposition intended.

Today’s fathers shrug when they see young sons sedentary and catatonic in front of a screen wiling away hours each day watching other young sedentary effeminate young men pressing buttons on a keyboard while screaming hysterically at non-threatening pixelated zombies or ‘bad guys.’

Fathers shroud their culpability in convenient excuses. “It’s a generational thing,” they tell themselves as their sons deteriorate into estrogen-radiating pansies one marathon gaming session at a time.

Suppose the father is a Millennial who has already undertaken the journey from boy to man-boy in adulthood and was barely capable of conceiving life himself. In that case, he may encourage his son’s destructive behavior or even pull up a multi-colored bean bag and join him in his gaming sessions, also known as “conscious wasting” sessions.

Extensive gaming creates anxiety and stress increasing prolactin production, which interferes with testosterone production. Years spent with their eyes reflecting blue screens and obnoxious app alerts disrupting their valuable sleep cycles deprive them of the most important hours for hormonal rejuvenation. What Has Government Do... Murray N. Rothbard Best Price: $7.04 Buy New $6.50 (as of 05:50 UTC - Details)

Their mothers do not help by actively filling their kitchen pantries with processed foods, limiting nutrients essential for hormone production, such as zinc and vitamin D, which have adversely affected testosterone levels. The average twenty-five-year-old today has testosterone levels 40% lower than the average male of the same age in 1985, with the same body mass index.

The same is true for men of all ages.

By the time they are teens, if they are not considered overweight or obese on the one hand, or sickly, frail, and effeminate on the other, parents can consider their sons among the rarities who have survived the initial endocrinological onslaught; whose bones strengthen and develop; whose muscles expand to support their skeletal system, whose shoulders broaden, and height stretches to whatever figure their parent’s genes blessed them.

For the vast majority overdosing on processed chemically poisoned foods, carrying excess body fat will lead to increased aromatase activity, converting testosterone to estrogen.

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