Cardinal Müller Says Mass Migration Is Being Used To Destroy National Identities

Editor’s note: LifeSiteNews journalists Maike Hickson and Andreas Wailzer conducted the interview with Cardinal Gerhard Müller in German and translated his words into English. 

Cardinal Gerhard Müller has said that “self-appointed” globalists are using mass migration to destroy the national identity of countries.  

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Müller talked about the ideologies behind globalism and their dire consequences. 

“Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying national identity,” Müller said. “They say that national identity is nationalism, which has caused all the wars, so they say they are against nationalism, but they are really against the nation.” The Great Awakening: D... Kent Heckenlively - co... Buy New $15.92 (as of 01:16 UTC - Details)

“If nationalism is the reason for wars, we must ask who is financing the wars and what interests are behind it.” 

“They want everyone to be completely isolated and not connected by language, culture, family ties, or a native land where you feel at home,” Müller continued. 

“They want to destroy all that. They want everyone to be atomized, without cultural and religious roots and identity,” he concluded. 

Müller also believes the elites are committing a “genocide” by promoting abortion and euthanasia. 

The German cardinal said many globalists believe that there are “too many” people on Earth who are causing “climate damage.” 

“And at the same time, anyone who criticizes this is called a Nazi by those who themselves promote the murderous Nazi ideology of ‘might makes right’… The genocide that is now being carried out is protected through propaganda by equating its critics with the people who committed the genocide in the past,” the cardinal added. 

“The perversion of their logic is to portray the victims as the perpetrators. What is the depopulation program other than a plan of reducing people through violence?” 

Müller explained that the “Nazi” accusation is often used as an “instrument of power” to suppress dissent. Overrun: How Joe Biden... Todd Bensman Buy New $18.80 (as of 01:16 UTC - Details)

“They [the globalists] don’t care that suicide rates among young people are growing worldwide. It’s just right for them.” 

This low regard for human life comes from the philosophical position of materialism that the globalists subscribe to, Müller told LifeSiteNews. According to the materialists, “human beings are just matter, just a mass of people that can be manipulated,” he explained. 

“You have to look at the French-Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran, in his book Le Mauvais demiurge, which propagates the most ruthless hatred of creation and of the goodness of God, spewing forth the snake venom of the nihilism of all Jacobin, communist, fascist and woke ‘elites’ of the last two centuries,” Müller said. 

“They [the globalists] don’t feel anything about it either. For them, people are just a number… 10,000 less is good for the statistics!” 

The former prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) said that the globalist system is a blend of capitalism and communism. Western globalists are capitalists with a “socialist mindset,” according to Müller. 

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