Fox’s settlement of the Dominion case

Writes Carl E.:

On the surface, this makes no sense.  There was so much documented corruption, error, suspicious and illegal activity in the 2020 election.

Fox could have argued the case in court, but they just paid, seemingly giving up without a fight.

It seems like a big loss for Fox, but were they actually serving another agenda?  For example, to preserve the stolen election cover-up?

Had Fox fought the case, the evidence and arguments presented in court could have been as devastating as if the vote count were allowed to proceed on January 6.  Or worse.

I wonder if Fox will receive help to defray its legal expenses.  (Sort of like the help social media companies got to hire legions of censors.)

The settlement might be worth a “little something” to some deep state actor.

And $787M, coming from one of their vast “black budgets”, is loose change.

