St. Homobonus’ name means “Good Man.” His father chose the name and his son lived up to it in every way. Homobonus (in Latin, the “H” is silent) Tucenghi grew up well-instructed in the skills of merchandising but also in holiness. He was a lover of honesty, virtue and self-respect and saw his “vocation” as that of a merchant (a businessman) and as a result, he believed that that calling was as “divine” as Holy Orders. For this “good man” believed that God wanted him to be just where he was and it was in that place – the marketplace – that he would work out his salvation.
Fortunately, Homobonus married a wife who believed as he did and while others of their class might fall into greed, ambition, dissipation and vain display, the Homobonus’s lived a fully Christian life. Because they did so, their simple lifestyle gave them the means to reach out to the less fortunate. According to Homobonus’ biographer, God set His stamp of approval on the merchant’s life by working miracles for those whom the couple assisted. So obvious was this man’s holiness and so great the witnesses testifying thereto, that Pope Innocent III canonized the merchant only two years after his death! St. Homobonus had lived up to his name; that is, he was a good man.
Now, one might ask, why in these evil days would one seek this particular “saint?” We seldom think of our “merchant class” as saintly or even decent most of the time though, of course, there are saints in every group even, I suppose, among politicians! But every once in a while, Almighty God sends us help from a very odd quarter! Those whom we assume are either hostile to our plight or, at best, disinterested, suddenly find themselves the fire bell alerting the apathetic and the seduced to dangers about which they know little and/or for which they care nothing! And, of course, we celebrate our deliverers no matter who they are or from whence they have come for their service is worth far more than the particulars surrounding them!
There have always been dangers in our lives, but today we have come to a point at which that danger is absolute and all pervasive; it is, in fact, mortal. Americans and other Western nations have seen communism – an evil about which we have been far too complacent after the fall of the Soviet Union – rise to the point at which Communist China is about to rule the world! Meanwhile, the West is dying (and not all that slowly!) as our institutions – including Christian churches (most of them anyway!) – are overcome and absorbed by the leaders of the New World Order using communism as its political arm and social justice as its moral meme. Nothing has made this more clear than the election of an “outsider” to be President of the American Deep State, Donald J. Trump in 2016. From that moment, our whole world has been one long open “war” against the will of the people as represented by Trump’s election.
One of the major weapons of that war has been a manufactured “pandemic” begun while Trump was still in office. The resulting campaign of fear that has virtually destroyed what freedoms remained in the West needs no reiteration but the final strategic weapon produced involved the worldwide distribution of so-called “vaccines” that promised to end the “murderous pandemic” of a virus with a 99+% recovery rate for people under 65 without co-morbidities. Children under puberty were already considered as virtually immune – at least at the time. Nonetheless, suddenly, all governments and multinational corporations are demanding that everybody be “inoculated” though the “science” involved has admitted that these concoctions (that are not “vaccines!”) will not protect from COVID or prevent its spread! Of course, once this was discovered, people were assured that the relatively few vaccinated who did get COVID would suffer a much milder form of the disease but this, too, proved a lie, first, as most new COVID patients are vaccinated and second, there proved to be little difference in the intensity of the condition for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated!
But it is the vaccines that have now become the focal point of this war on humanity. It is no longer just a war on personal liberty, but on mankind itself. Few indeed are the political entities that do not demand that everyone be vaccinated whether it is medically necessary or not. And this demand isn’t limited to government! The “unvaxxed” are presented as modern lepers who must be forced to “take the jab” or be removed from among the virtuous and obedient “vaxxed.” In other words, this is no longer a “medical” issue, but war against those who refuse to comply! Neither is this desire for vengeance against the “rebellious” limited to the usual suspects. For instance, a recent Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Report national poll of January 13, 2022 shows that among Democrats, 55% support fining Americans who refuse the jab, 59% support house arrest of the unvaccinated, 48% support imprisoning those who question vaccine efficacy on social media(!), 45% support internment camps for the unvaccinated, 47% support government surveillance of the unvaccinated, and 29% support the State removing children from unvaccinated parents especially if those children have not themselves been vaccinated! This type of thinking represents communist and Nazi mindsets far removed from that of a decent society – yet it is the mindset of many in 21st century America!
Of course, this also represents a refusal by far too many supposedly intelligent people to believe what has been incontrovertibly proven about these “vaccines;” that is, that they are deadly! For some unknown reason, videos showing perfectly healthy (and especially young and athletic) people dropping dead sometimes within hours of receiving “the jab” has aroused no question as to the danger these “vaccines” represent! Reports from hospitals of patients with all manner of horrific “side effects” causes no doubt or distress. Huge increases in the number of spontaneous miscarriages are ignored. School districts employing cardiovascular medical personnel for primary and secondary grade students raises not one eyebrow! None of this carnage is being hidden, but the only “deaths” that seem to gain credence with the public are those whom it is claimed, have “died from COVID!” because they are not vaccinated.
People are so hysterical about COVID that they aren’t paying attention to hospital protocols that actually do kill – such as the use of “Dr.” Fauci’s drug Remdesivir! – or the refusal to make use of drugs that have been available for dealing with this pathogen since the beginning, such as Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and diet staples such as Vitamins C and D, colloidal silver and Zinc. Instead, we are exposed to experimental potions that have never been properly tested according to the regulations created by our own health agencies and designed to protect We the People! Rather, Americans buy the hype and rush in to expose themselves to noxious toxins designed to cripple or kill or forever change people’s DNA and immune systems and/or render them sterile!
And thus it has gone since these “vaccines” were introduced. People are seduced or threatened or otherwise forced through the might of the State to expose themselves to death and serious injury – and nobody says nuthin’ – with very few exceptions. Those who do say something whether they are world famous physicians and scientists or even former officers of the companies producing these poisons, are either ignored, censored or murdered as was one scientist whose charges were made public and was openly murdered when the establishment was unable to refute them. Meanwhile, the internet chants declaring that these vaccines are “well tested and efficacious” continue virtually without contradiction creating a sort of “Pied Piper” of death – and nobody seems to notice or care until now!
And so, what has changed? What has happened that suddenly, people are starting to take notice that there is a direct and obvious link between being “jabbed” and becoming seriously ill or even dying? Who or what is this new champion of fact, truth and actual “preventive medicine?” Was it our priests, pastors and men of God? Hell no! Was it our scholars and academicians? Wrong again! Was it our civilian and military heroes and leaders? Not a bit of it! Believe it or not, our (possible) salvation arises from practitioners of St. Homobonos’ field of spiritual endeavor – commerce! Yes, that’s right! Business! Capitalism! The marketplace! From this altogether secular field some have come forward to bring to light what doctors and scientists and other knowledgeable folks have been unable to bring to the attention of a comatose, catatonic public – that is, that these damned things kill! And what is the nature of this particular “commerce?” Life insurance! That’s right, the long existent, prosaic business of life insurance!
Life insurance companies are more far serious gamblers than those who play in Vegas! They bet you, for a fee, that you will live long enough to pay into their coffers enough money to give them a profit by the time you die. They insure you for $100,000 at the time of your death, in the hope that you will live long enough to pay them $150,000 in premiums. If that occurs, in the end, they are $50,000 to the good! That’s how life insurance works and that’s why you cannot collect life insurance if you commit suicide – because you are cheating! You aren’t letting the game run its course!
Of course, the odds – and the premiums – change depending upon one’s age, general state of health and occupation; that is a given. However, today this “eternal mix” that has been ongoing since the very concept of “life insurance” as a business finds itself in a very grave risk because of what is now mandated for just about everybody. As a result, the “death stats” have gone haywire! One consequence of this situation (and only one!) was reported by a Dutch Life Insurance company, Aegon, when that company revealed its third quarter, 2021 payouts skyrocketed an amazing 258% compared to the company’s third quarter, 2020 payouts. Now, since COVID was not that deadly despite the various “health” agencies’ prognostications, the only thing that could possibly have contributed to this amazing rise in “natural” deaths was, of course, the “treatment” for COVID including the “vaccines.” In 2020, the present “vaccines” ostensibly weren’t available, so payouts for Aegon only reached $31 million. But after a period of three quarters of aggressive vaccinations throughout 2021, the death benefit payouts hit $111 million, an increase of 258%!
Reuters reported via Yahoo Finance: “Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the United States, said its claims in the Americas in the third quarter were $111 million, up from $31 million a year earlier. U.S. insurers MetLife and Prudential Financial also said life insurance claims rose. South Africa’s Old Mutual used up more of its pandemic provisions to pay claims and reinsurer Munich Re raised its 2021 estimate of COVID-19 life and health claims to 600 million euros from 400 million.” All insurance companies and not just life insurance providers are slowly coming to realize the truth about COVID vaccines despite the efforts of a murderous mainstream media and our complicit “governments” and “hi-tech” sector to cover up the accelerating death rate. The signals now emerging in the financial books of insurance companies can’t simply be ignored for these don’t involve mere ordinary citizens but a large part of our nation’s (and the world’s) economy. Financial companies are always interested in the “trends” of finance and given that a 258% increase was recorded for Q3, 2021, it begs the obvious question: how much worse will this be for Q4, 2021 or Q1, 2022?
On any “normal” (pre-COVID) day in America alone, about 7,700 people die; obviously not all of those who die are insured. If those deaths rise by 100%, that means an extra 7,700 people are dying each day. Multiply that over one year, and it’s an additional 2.8 million deaths and this represents only a 100% increase in deaths. As world governments confidently claim that the percentage of the “unvaxxed” falls daily – meaning of course that the percentage of the “vaxxed” continues to grow daily – the translation of this claim into a rising percentage of both the dead and the seriously injured also “continues to grow” with all that that means to the society – including insurance companies!
Aegon reported a 258% increase in payouts on life insurance policies and although that company doesn’t insure all of America, obviously, this information should be raising alarms among those who are paying attention. If there is anything like a 200% increase in all-cause mortality, it means an extra 15,000+ people will be dying every day in America. Mortality figures like that prove that, unless there is an ongoing war, a health holocaust is playing out in real time. The only problem seems to be moving the “holocaust” claim from a minor flu – COVID – to a major bio-weapon, that is, these mRNA “vaccines.” We may already be at that greater death rate even now but it is difficult to tell as so much of our “medical statistics” are bogus and designed to keep COVID as the “scare of the century” while hiding the true agent of death by presenting it as a treatment for rather than the cause of the problem.
But there is more to this than direct deaths and injuries resulting from the injection. Cancer death rates have almost certainly doubled in 2021 and are headed even higher in 2022, but the cancer industry — dominated by Big Pharma — will hide the numbers to avoid there being any connection made between the vaccines and the failure of human immune systems with regard to, among other diseases, cancer. There are even those who believe that the never ending “boosters” required by our “health agencies” directly relate to the destruction of the immune systems of those who have taken these drugs! Once our bodies do not provide “natural immunity,” we will be forced to subsist on eternal (and expensive) Big Pharma boosters to protect ourselves. Life insurance companies are maneuvering around this problem by pronouncing these “vaccinations” as “medical experiments” – they are! – and thus denying policies or payouts to those who choose to “take a chance” on their efficacy – and safety. Indeed, they have gone even further and now may deny coverage for those who test positive for COVID! Why? Because these tests have proven highly unreliable and this results in a great deal of confusion and a means by which healthy people can be denied life insurance coverage even if they never take the jab – or get COVID!
Along with our “vaccine holocaust” in America right now, we have perhaps a bigger problem and that is the cover-up run by all the complicit, murderous parties, including Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media and Big Government. They’re all in on it and have been since the planning stages. They’re all mass murderers, and they’re all working to cover this up until they can coerce even more people into committing vaccine suicide – that is, before the body count becomes undeniable! That’s the level of evil we’re dealing with in the society right now, and it’s all being run under the banners of “science” and “safety.”
Under this dangerous death cult with its motto of “follow the science,” the whole world must pretend that COVID is deadly and that these “vaccines” (along with masks, social distancing and lockdowns) are preventing wholesale infections, transmissions, hospitalizations and, of course, deaths! The truly odd thing is that even those leading this “crusade” admit that the vaccines prevent nothing, cure nothing are of no help in anything – and they do this while looking the other way when so many vaccinated people prematurely die. Of course, the proof is in the statistics! Israel, at a 96.2% vaccination rate across the population, is now leading the world in COVID cases per capita. This proves that the vaccine has the opposite effect than was promised in the name of “science.” In fact, the more a country vaccinates its people, the higher both the COVID and the death rates become, though the latter is far more the result of the jab than the virus, unless, of course, you are foolish enough to believe the official narrative.
The fact is this: the vaccine is the pandemic. This becomes apparent as the information slowly escapes from the clutches of the agents of the New World Order! For these vaccines were “invented” before the disease they were ostensibly created to counter! This whole horror story would be over if it actually were a “pandemic” but it isn’t. It was all invented to give an excuse for the continuing attack on human life and liberty through injecting people with spike protein bioweapons that cause organ failure and death. It’s no coincidence that vaccine injury symptoms are categorized as the consequence of COVID by the corrupt and murderous medical establishment that, in turn, receives financial kickbacks from an equally corrupt and murderous government when they kill their patients with ventilators and Remdesivir.
The problem is not how to stop COVID or the vaccines. That is easy! What is hard is to motivate average people in America and the rest of the world to “say NO!” to the purveyors of this lie and to bring to justice those who have already killed so many innocent and trusting people. It’s rather like America’s fraudulent “election” of 2020. If it isn’t owned as a fraud, corrected and those responsible punished, then the very concept of an “elected government” has been destroyed. If this use of “science” and “medicine” is not corrected and the guilty punished, there is no more science or medicine; there is only tyranny and death for mankind.