WEF Uses Coded Language to Communicate Unthinkable Plans

WEF's Language is Used to Avoid Unwanted Attention

What if I told you that the World Economic Forum’s climate agenda is to stop economic growth, and shut down many industries, which would be accomplished by having a WEF-designed artificial intelligence system decide which industries are to be liquidated? And that the WEF expects working people to be paying money to the masses of economically displaced people, to induce them not to work?

You would probably laugh at me, call me a crazy person, and refuse to even consider that seriously. That story could not possibly be true! An important global organization cannot propose such an absurdity! What a stupid conspiracy theory, probably invented by some weirdo who is living under a rock!

If that is your reaction, you are a perfectly normal person, as no well-adjusted individual would ever come up with such nonsensical proposals. Even I, if I heard something like that from a random individual I just met, would probably just dismiss such things as crazy talk.

All good, but this very proposal is the central part of the WEF’s agenda, proudly featured on its homepage. I did not come up with anything it did not actually say!

I discussed their “can the economy grow forever” proposal in a separate article of mine. Check it out.

The gist of the WEF’s proposal, and the attached youtube video, is as follows:

  • We need to stop economic growth
  • We need to liquidate entire industries to meet our climate goals
  • To decide which industries to shut down, we need to use WEF-selected Artificial Intelligence to make the decisions
  • We need to pay displaced people NOT to work

Does this sound totally bonkers? Not sure about you, but it does sound insane to me. And yet, it is all there in the WEF-endorsed video, and the article is prominently featured on the WEF home page. I did not invent anything, I just understood the article and retold its meaning in plain language.

There is no “conspiracy theory” concocted here, and everything was obtained by simply reviewing ONE WEF agenda article and its attached video.

WEF’s Vacuous Coded Language

A prominent substacker ‘eugyppius’ wrote a very interesting review of Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” book.

Eugyppius was my first Substack subscription and I always love to read his writings. He, quite correctly, notes the vacuity, or emptiness, of the language used by Klaus Schwab in his book. He notes the seeming pointlessness of the endless passages in it.

These are brief statements that are so tautological, banal or bizarre that they ought to embarrass any author.

Eugyppius’ conclusion, which I respect but cannot agree with in relation to the article we are reviewing today, is that

The Davos crowd see themselves as post-ideological, technocratic problem-solvers, but it’s impossible to deny that some kind of abstruse, malformed ideological system pervades Schwab’s work. It might be too ungainly and broken to acknowledge or defend, and it’s remarkably hard to describe, but it’s there. Postwar optimism and the generations of uninterrupted technological progress that followed, encouraged some people to believe that we were on the verge of a new world, one where a utopian global order would supplant both nation states and corporations, ushering in a post-capitalist, post-nationalist era, where all our most pressing problems would be solved. Yet the nations states stayed around, for-profit businesses are still here, and technological progress has stalled. What remains is a lot of jargon and vacuity, signifying nothing.

Is the most powerful supranational organization, whose Young Leaders lead governments of many important countries, states, or territories, or collectively own and manage trillions of dollars, simply a nonsense production factory? Are their messages “signifying nothing”? Why does the WEF exist, then? To blather nonsense? Do people gather in Davos for nothing but vacuous press releases?

Or is there something important hidden behind the seeming lack of understandable intent?

Is there a possibility that important, world-changing ideas are wrapped in layers of feel-good, patronizing, virtue-signaling words, intentionally strung together into endless, hard-to-understand sentences?

My answer is: the WEF purposely makes their proposals to be difficult for ordinary people to comprehend. To a person reading without paying close attention, their writings appear to be feel-good generalities written without a purpose — and yet when understood fully, they contain radical proposals that would upend the most basic foundations of our Western societies.

When reading the “WEF Agenda” articles, such as “can the economy grow forever” article, I was struck by the verbosity, meaninglessness, empty generality, and vacuity of the language, just like eugyppius was.

Read the Whole Article