The runaway train disaster that was the original White House Coronavirus Task Force had quite a few utterly comical figures that we’ve reported on extensively in The Dossier. From the infamous tag team of Dr Fauci and Dr Birx, to Robert Redfield and Stephen Hahn, you can easily fill a clown car with the amount of ridiculous figures that were in the room at any given time.
And while not as high profile an appointee, former Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams was easily one of its most destructive selections. As the former Health Commissioner of Indiana, Adams goes way back with former VP Mike Pence. He has long been the politician’s “Public Health” apprentice. Pence is credited with getting Adams the Surgeon General gig and his position on the task force.
MAKE A MASK AT HOME: Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, shares ways to create your own face covering in a few easy steps.
— City of Boerne (@Boerne_TX) June 23, 2020
“Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” says @Surgeon_General Jerome Adams
— KTLA (@KTLA) March 1, 2020
So what has Dr. Adams of “how to make a homemade mask” fame been up to since he left D.C. Beltway, besides, of course, ginning up COVID hysteria and virtue signaling about masks on social media?
Just landed at LaGuardia. Haven’t been through here in a few years.
1) It’s still a confusing maze of never ending construction
2) I’m also quite surprised at how low mask usage is here, being we are in New York
— Jerome Adams (@JeromeAdamsMD) July 11, 2022
Like his colleagues in the previous administration, Adams has cashed in big time on his largely ceremonial post in the Trump White House.
He is now Purdue University’s “Executive Director of Health Equity Initiatives,” the first of its kind gig at the public university.
Exciting news for #PHA, #RCHE, and #Purdue! RT @Purdue_RCHE: Happy to have Dr. Jerome Adams join RCHE as a faculty member!
Former U.S. surgeon general named Presidential Fellow, to lead health equity initiatives at Purdue— Purdue Healthcare Advisors (@PurduePHA) October 1, 2021
What exactly does that position entail? Your guess is as good as mine.
“Never before in American history has the need been greater or the community been more desirous of such an effort,” Adams said of his appointment. “I’m excited to combine my experiences in public health and public policy with the resources and opportunities afforded by Purdue to help coordinate, amplify and innovate in the health equity space,” he added.
But wait, there’s more!
In May, Adams was appointed chairman of the board of a company called Total Diversity Clinical Trial Management. The company describes itself as “a full-service CRO and Diversity Organization with an integrated focus on support services highlighting diversity and inclusion in clinical trials.”
In June, Adams joined the board of Avita, an outfit that claims “deep expertise” in providing “LGBTQ+ care.”
Adams is also diving head first into the Perpetual Pandemic industry.