I just received an email from Graham Walker, executive director of The Independent Institute, informing me that my old friend and fellow libertarian warrior David Theroux, passed away last Saturday after a “brief illness.” I first met David and his wife Mary in the 1980s, I think at a Mont Pelerin Society meeting in Cambridge, England in1984. Mary was and is a successful business entrepreneur who worked hand-in-hand with David all these years with the programs of The Independent Institute. David was also quite the ideas/policy entrepreneur, as was apparent in his decision making for the past several decades as the president of the Independent Institute. Readers of LewRockwell.com may remember that it was David, Mary, and our cherished friend Bob Higgs, the former editor of The Independent Review, who were among the only libertarian organizations, along with LRC, that opposed the Iraq/Afghanistan military adventurism racket from the very beginning.
When the neocon establishment went nuts slandering and libeling me for publishing The Real Lincoln in 2002 it was David Theroux who invited me to come out to Oakland to debate the High Priest of the Church of Lincoln, Harry Jaffa (I kicked his butt, as our friend the late Burt Blumert, who was in attendance, attested). Rest in Peace old friend, and God Bless Mary and the Theroux family.
7:58 pm on April 26, 2022