America’s Untold Stories — Who was General Edwin Walker? Part Two: Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK

General Edwin A. Walker was the only U.S. Army general officer to resign his commission amid his tour of duty in the 20th century. Was he a patriot, a madman, or a little of both? What was his connection to Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination? To Generals Lyman Lemmitzer, Curtis LeMay,  Charles A. Willoughby and Pedro A. Del Valle? To the Rev. Billy James Hargis? To Archibald E. Roberts? Over the years at LRC I have posted numerous articles and blogs concerning the anti-Trump elements embedded within the deep state, the top operational hierarchy of the Democrats, and their establishment regime media pawns relating to the covert “Strategy of Tension” policies adopted by European military/intelligence entities in the late 1960s and 1970s. Actually the deep roots of these neo-fascist seditious policies go back even further, as do their explicit key linkages to American military and counter-intelligence entities, which may in fact have played a crucial role in the November 22, 1963 coup d’état and brutal murder of President John F. Kennedy. Both the European personnel and their American counterparts actively discussed the implementation of domestic coup strategies in their respective countries. These were the Europeans directly responsible for later implementation of the Strategy of Tension violence/terror campaign of bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, and horrific murders of innocent civilians throughout that continent.

Please check out pages 138 to 152, “Del Valle, Giannettini, and the Strategy of Tension,” in Peter Dale Scott’s seminal book on the JFK assassination, Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House.


5:29 pm on April 22, 2022