The ideological cornerstone of American statism is the Lincoln myth, concocted around the man who waged total war on his own civilian population in the Southern states, killing at least 50,000 civilians according to Lincoln cultist James McPherson. The real number is bound to be much higher, coming from the “dean” of the Lincoln cult. These were not “collateral damage” in a foreign country, but almost exclusively American women, children, and old men. Then of course “we” dropped Atomic bombs on two Japanese cities occupied almost entirely by civilians; firebombed European cities full of civilians; mass murdered tens of thousands of Plains Indians; killed some 200,000 Filipinos, thousands of Vietnamese civilians, Koreans, Iraqis, Afghans, and on and on and on. But Boobus Americanus is now supposed to believe that only Big Bad Putin would do such things.
7:07 pm on March 14, 2022