Ottawa Cops Stole Gas, Lied to the Press, Arrested People, But the Freedom Convoy Remains

Ottawa police recently engaged in a widespread string of thefts of privately purchased gasoline and propane throughout the city in an attempt to drive the Freedom Convoy out of the city.

Recent state of emergency declared

This came about shortly after the Ottawa mayor, Jim Watson, declared a state of emergency on February 6. It was then that Watson said, “The situation at this point is completely out of control, because the individuals with the protest are calling the shots. They have far more people than we have police officers, and I’ve indicated to the chief that we have to be much more nimble and proactive when it comes to these activities.”

Watson would go on to say, “we are outnumbered and we are losing this battle right now,” as he went on to add, “We’re in the midst of a serious emergency, the most serious emergency our city has ever faced, and we need to cut the red tape to get these supplies available to our police officers and to our public works staff.”

“Declaring a state of emergency reflects the serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations and highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government,” said a statement from the city.

It appears that Ottawa is potentially calling for federal troops to enter the scene. Other sources seem to confirm this notion.

(For information on how to starve the beast, be sure to check out our free QUICKSTART Guide.)

Shortly after the state of emergency was declared by the Ottawa mayor, the Ottawa Police Department sent out this tweet:

And then the arrests began.

Around 9PM that night, the Ottawa Police Department reported that they’d made multiple arrests, having seized multiple vehicles as well as fuel. Members of the Freedom Convoy were frequently charged with “mischief” or “hate crimes.”

Transporting fuel into the Freedom Convoy was enough of a penalty to be slapped with a mischief charge. Other infractions members of the Convoy were charged with include not wearing a seat belt, having a defective muffler, and excessive honking.

At approximately, 7PM, the OPD had stolen 3200 L of fuel from the Freedom Convoy out of a parking lot. The OPD began the dismantling of the Freedom Convoy’s logistics camp as well:

While there are some reports surfacing that claim that an Ottawa judge has ordered the police to return the stolen goods, this has not been confirmed as of yet.

Yet another rumor that is currently being floated about is that there is soon to be a mass arrest planned for members of the Freedom Convoy. Federal officers have allegedly been scouring Ottawa, gathering as much information about the members of the Convoy as possible.

The OPD set out a statement Sunday afternoon, stating, “Overnight, demonstrators exhibited extremely disruptive and unlawful behavior, which presented risks to public safety and unacceptable distress for Ottawa residents.”

However, Canadians have stated that the allegations of disruptive and unlawful behavior are being fabricated. Allegations of dancing on The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier have been made by Ottawa officials. Canadians have responded that they were actually shoveling the snow off of it.

Ottawa Police have also dismantled the Freedom Convoy’s food kitchen.

The Freedom Convoy had built a small wooden shed to serve food to Canadians out of. The Ottawa PD removed it in an effort to force the members of the Freedom Convoy to move on. Nobody was being charged for the food, as it was being freely given away to those in the area. Yet, it was removed.

The Freedom Convoy has expanded.

The truckers have since expanded their Convoy to include the Ambassador Bridge in Michigan as well. As of this writing, the blockade of this bridge has been ongoing 50+ hours, and has the potential to cause severe supply chain issues.

Here is aerial footage of the bridge:

As discussed previously here at TOP, this Freedom Convoy idea has rapidly gained traction throughout the world of late as well. A New Zealand convoy is currently being organized, with plans to meet up in the capital city of Wellington. Scottish truckers are preparing to head to Edinburgh. English truckers are headed to London. Ireland and Wales have begun to organize. And even Austria, home of some of the most draconian levels of force against citizens, currently has truckers preparing to head out to Vienna.

It appears this movement is only going to continue to spread, particularly after the success it has seen in Alberta and Saskatchewan, where governments have promised that they will allegedly remove all restrictions in the upcoming weeks.

But as this movement does grow, we are liable to see increasing levels of political resistance.

We’ll keep you updated as events unfold.

Reprinted with permission from The Organic Prepper.