A COVIDiot Who Drives COVIDiocy to New Lows

Are masks and their deprivations of oxygen killing brain cells the incredibly stupid population can ill afford to lose? Or are COVIDCon’s true believers already devoid of any intelligence whatsoever?

Regardless, a mother in Texas “stuffed her 13-year-old son in the trunk of her car — because he tested positive for COVID-19 and she didn’t want to get exposed, authorities said.” This cretin is 41, old enough to know better.

Two guesses as to her profession: yep, teacher. Though maybe not for much longer: “a warrant was issued for [Sarah] Beam’s arrest Friday on child endangerment charges. … She has been placed on administrative leave.”

Firing her would be too sensible, so no doubt the union will win her reinstatement.

Meanwhile, with his mother caged, wanna bet the poor kid who survived his ride in the trunk climbed out of it into the merciless arms of Child Protective Services?

You gotta love Leviathan: always turning a really horrific situation far worse.


12:03 pm on January 8, 2022

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