It’s hard to find a country that takes COVID more seriously than Australia. Their strict protocols are producing “extraordinary” results (spoiler alert: I’m being sarcastic).
They are super strict about COVID with measures that include:
- mandatory vaccinations,
- mandatory mask use
- requiring the unvaccinated to isolate at home,
- Density limits at indoor areas of hospitality venues and nightclubs,
- free booster doses are available to everyone 18 years and over who have had their second dose of a primary dose course of COVID-19 vaccination at least 4 months ago.
- mandatory electronic check-ins
Note that these measures vary by what state you are in.
The state-specific medical countermeasures makes total sense as having the virus in NSW is completely different than having the virus in Northern Territory (I’m being sarcastic again…).
Almost everyone is vaccinated. Check out the box on the right for the vax rate in the ACT:
Not vaccinated? Welcome to lockouts!