I may start a pool as to when the Masked Morons will de-diaper themselves: by summer; by Christmas; or never. Boy, but the persistence from people whose fickleness is notorious (marriages that last five minutes; flitting from brand to brand online; changing jobs every couple of months) has been impressive, even if their intellects aren’t.
Glancing at his muzzled compatriots, Mark Higdon observes “one huge difference” between “20th century communism and Nazism” and “now”:
One need only look at the PR touting the previous century’s genocidal dictatorships: film, posters, etc. prominently featuring the faces of “happy” German and Soviet citizens.
Which makes the present all the more terrifying. After all, would it not be so much easier–politically–to mass-exterminate fur-less, bipedal creatures who are never allowed to show their faces? Just put COVID on the death certificates.
And Chris Sullivan forwarded this tidbit:
The US Navy’s official Twitter profile pic has a mighty eagle grasping a mighty anchor and wearing a mighty… mask?
I don’t know about you, but I’m highly reassured that as the Russian navy prepares for war under Biden’s provocations, its admiralty worries about the strength of its troops and ships while ours frets over a non-existent virus and the bits of cloth that magically stop it.
Quick, someone tell the Navy that masks don’t work. Speaking of which, a friend has
added some more graphs to my Masks Don’t Work page … No relation at all between mask mandate and the corona curve in different countries and states.
Perhaps some of you can lob that ammo at the Stupidity Bunkers sheltering the Masked Morons.
Onward, then, to the reports from your fellow Patriots as they fight WWIII!
In Colorado, Linda June
took my 84-year-old mom to her appointment at her neurologist’s office. Dropping her off at the front door, I went to park the car. I came into the office in time to hear one of the desk girls telling Mom to either put on a mask or reschedule and leave. Mom had a mask that she was holding up to her face because she can better regulate her air intake and avoid knocking off $5000-worth of hearing aids — again. Mom has mild COPD, a pacemaker, artificial heart valve and chronic pulmonary hypertension, which they know about because they have her medical records. Any one of those conditions is a medical exemption, not that anyone should have to rely on exemptions to a fake law, but very few people have enough education or firing neurons to understand such distinctions apparently.
Today, holding up her mask wouldn’t fly with the wingnuts at the desk. It had to be hooked or they were simply going to refuse service. (Unhooked, you’re out of uniform, you know. You could come in stark naked from the chin down and be treated with all due respect, but enter while fully dressed from soles to chin and you’re a vile obscenity.)
Well, at this point, Mom started to cry. And when I started to get really, really angry. We’d been patient with these idiots over the course of many appointments. A couple of weeks ago, she wasn’t hassled and was able to not wear one at all. Must have been a different, Christian crew that day.
Oh, I wouldn’t bet on that. How many churches force all parishioners to muzzle themselves—and even call the cops on them when they don’t?
At the tears, they at least relented a little and allowed her to wear the diaper below her nose — as long as it was hooked on her ears. What the –? I should have asked what the heck the difference was. But I was in distress with Mom’s crying. Mom, however, reluctantly complied.
We sat down to wait, and I said out loud, at a level I knew Mom could hear, which was enough to be heard by the gals sitting behind their bulletproof barriers: “You know Satan is stoking a specially hot place for those people who implement and enforce the stupid mask protocols. After all, the Nazis weren’t let off the hook just because they were only following orders.” That’s when some dude sucking his own diaper yelled from across the waiting room, “Don’t call people Nazis!”
Hmmm. Would that include the actual Nazis?
which I hadn’t, of course. I only referred to the Nazis. But that point was too subtle for an oxygen-deprived, shrivel-brained eavesdropper.
Long story short, the office manager came out and, in a sugary sweet voice, booted me out. Fine. I can only hope Mom was able to understand everything the physician assistant told her and could remember it a day later.
On the way out, one of the offensive clerks said, “We just want to have a job.” I replied, “Yeah, so did the Germans.”
I simply can’t give a sympathetic pass to workers anymore. Just because the evil is ubiquitous, banal and keeps you employed, doesn’t mean it isn’t still evil.
I’d say placing your job above the well-being of other human beings is just another definition of idolatry. What is so utterly demonic is that it’s not (or no longer, anyway) a medical thing, especially to the apparatchiks of wickedness. Once upon a time, I could give some quarter for their feeling like they were actually doing something real about a viral season that might have been pretty serious. But now, it’s absolutely clear to me that it’s only about obedience to a false authority and nothing else. Here’s why:
I don’t wear any kind of mask get-up that actually does restrict my breathing. Early on, I suspected this stupidity had nothing to do with slowing the spread of a flu bug, so I tested my hypothesis whenever I had to take Mom to her various doctors’ appointments. I clamped on a single-layer, lace chapel veil instead of solid cloth. Only twice in this whole year of the scamdemic was I challenged for it, and weakly at that.
Today was no different than all the previous visits to that office. I came in wearing what is essentially lingerie on my face and no one said boo. It covered my nose and mouth and that’s ALL that mattered to the functionaries. Maybe I’ll notch things up a bit and wear a solid cloth mask with a big hole cut out of the center of it to further test the morons. We’ll see. I don’t relish the idea of a rash on either side of my breathing orifices.
Anyway, whenever the arms and legs of enforcement messed with me, I’ve been generally satisfied to remind them of the exemptions or inform them that a governor’s executive order is no law, then leave and never look back, hang the consequences. But when they disrespect my mother — and make her cry, no less — I shan’t be cutting them any kind of slack anymore. They need to know that what they do is NOT okay with God. At some point, they will have to answer for their crimes. Scripture says if we fail to warn evildoers to repent, we ourselves will be held accountable. The time to warn them has come.
When I remarked that these enforcers remind me of the TSA’s goons in their unconscionable abuse of the elderly or otherwise vulnerable, Linda June agreed:
You’re right that their behavior is certainly reminiscent of the thugs of the TSA. In fact, these mask nazis have treated Mom far worse than anything she ever endured at the hands of the TSA. Yesterday, I struggled with the notion that I may have done wrong by disrupting the peaceful doings at their office and making the girls feel bad, but did I? Do I need to apologize and go to confession? My heart keeps saying no, Mom is the real victim here. Nazis never want to hear that they’re committing evil acts, and their umbrage is a cover for their guilty consciences. By now, they must know what a farce it all is.
And if they don’t, what are they doing in a medical office?
How could you not when the MSM isn’t even hiding the fact that states that dropped their awful covid restrictions are thriving?
Now, I wish I had a way to get the message out loud and clear and all at once (rent a billboard?): If you’re a front office-type employee and denying service to an elderly lady whose life is already difficult enough, you are definitely courting divine punishments, even if (especially if!) you call yourself a Christian. Get your heads screwed on right, people! Considering old age really is like a second childhood, I think Jesus’ words about millstones around necks of those who abuse do apply.
Alan Cassidy’s
wife just returned yesterday from her trip to her natal state of Honduras. She says it’s worse than here in Miam-Dade. Everybody wears one, two, three masks. She gave an informational lecture to one poor lady with three masks pulled tight, in public, and announced that that’s why people there are fainting. One niece is married to a doctor who told the niece about how the pandemic was so bad people were dropping all the time in lines to test for Covid.
My wife told the niece that the reason they were dropping were the masks.
On the way down there, she sat next to a lady that was wheezing and coughing and all red-eyed and sniffing, because she had just gotten jabbed.
From Illinois— which Don Shepherd spells, “Ill ANNOY”—he recounts,
My wife and I have been shopping without them since day one. We look folks in the eyes, smile and try to be cordial, it’s how we were raised as a part of civil society. Today at ALDI I struck up a conversation with a masked guy checking out ahead of us. About three sentences into it he pulled his mask off completely while saying “Thanks for the inspiration”.
Yay! Don, you’re hereby promoted to captain!
Small victories but an immense concept… the Remnant is out there. …
And now this gentleman will inspire yet more folks to lose their muzzles!
…Early in our fight some stores such as Menard’s and Best Buy just turned us away. Fine, we simply don’t shop there. Others had the occasional employee assigned to “remind” us but we had little trouble declining. It was becoming obvious to both Enid and I that the stores really didn’t want to be COVID COPS but were going through their seemingly obligatory motions “mandated by Gov. Prickster—-er Pritzger.
The next phase in our journey happened when an errant ALDI employee got strident at checkout stating we could not shop there without a mask. It surprised us enough to contact ALDI corporate on their website for clarification. It happened on a Sunday afternoon and by 9:00 AM Monday I received the most professional and kind call from their customer relations stating clearly that masks are NOT REQUIRED at their store and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of that overzealous employee since. ALDI corporate deserves big accolades in my eyes.
Wow! Don continues racking up the victories. Maybe a promotion to captain wasn’t enough: how about colonel?
Since then we’ve given letters to all the store managers where we shop … Although we truly refuse on principle, the letter cites a medical exemption, one which we all have since we were designed to breath FRESH AIR! Arguing philosophy with some guy at the door is unproductive. Our intent is to insulate them from possibly getting their butts in a sling for “allowing” us to shop unmasked. Now we’re on a first name basis with many, it’s refreshing. …
I’ve been unreservedly vocal in our community for 42 years regarding poor schools, high taxes, windmills etc. and I’m not stopping now.
Sometimes I’ve been alone in the middle of the battlefield … but folks do come around eventually and those vindications are ever so sweet. Thankfully there are many more volunteer troops now. Timid folks need to take heart that they hold much power, especially on the local level.
Alexander Paulsen
tried a new [tactic] the other day. Total crack up.
…I never wear the stupid face diapers. I still get challenged from time to time but I usually just ignore them or say “Thanks, I’m not worried about you infecting me.” Last resort is an ADA please; sometimes they ask, and I always tell them it is a federal felony and HIPAA violation to ask. The more unexpected my response the less follow up I get.
Yesterday I walked into BJ’s Club and got challenged. I said “Did you know that it is considered racist to ask for a mask?” ( I am white, she was too)
The dumbfounded, confused and I think frightened look on the clerk was priceless. I had to practically run into the store before I fell down laughing in front of her.
But here in Free (sort of) Florida, most businesses still have the “Please Mask Up” signs but almost no one challenges any more. I see as many bare faces as masks in some venues.
I guess we are all waiting for Bill Gates’s ” next wave” that will ” get their attention” but that could very well come under the heading of “Be careful what you wish for.” ….
I was filling up my very non-PC VW turbo-diesel SUV yesterday. During the fill up a guy drove up to the opposite pump, got out his car, put on a mask and started his transaction.
I noticed him looking at me hard, and I thought he might try to give me a hard time. I had a reply ready, but instead he looked at me, ripped off the mask and said “You’re right, this is bull$h1t.”
I was so happy to see him drop the blue thing into the waste can instead of his car.
It made my day.
We are winning this one freed mind at a time!
Don, you have some competition here. We’re promoting Alexander, too!
A Patriot in Louisiana says:
The clerk at a package shipping store had her mask attached to a “mask necklace.” She kept it down while waiting on me, maskless of course. She pulled it up when a masked customer came in.
Got the glare from a fellow diner at a fast food joint. He pulled his up over his nose and harrumphed as he passed by.
Finally, Kirk H
state[s] the obvious, … that as the public throws off wearing masks, it will be the pols, bureaucrats and their hangers-on who will be the only ones wearing masks. This will be the beginning of a return to normal, for, as it was before, only the crooks will be wearing the masks. Isn’t that how it has always been in this nation, ie, the crooks wear the masks?
An added bonus: the diapers double as the enemy’s uniform when the Revolution comes.
11:58 am on April 17, 2021