The hatred for Rudy “Judas” Giuliani out there among folks who love liberty runs deep. And why not? Bullies are always despicable; politicians are the lowest of this lowest form of life.
Ergo, in response to Judas Giuliani, Mario Leli writes,
Ghoul-liani is a deep state POS who helped coverup 9-11. Him with all the others should be sent to Gitmo. I told people the Ghoul was a trojan horse whose job was to crush the election challenge; he is a brain-damaged retarded clown with piano keys for teeth. He ripped donors for 20K a day. I say Trump was in on the whole thing. He hired the worst people he could find from the beginning, then let Jared Kushner take over, who is the closest to Damien from the Oman series I ever saw. Kushner’s job was to advance Jews’ interests in Israel and US and he did a fine job. Trump pardoned tons of slimy thieving … gangsters and white-hating … rappers and let Assange who played a big role in getting him elected rot in jail
[Giuliani] went after the Italian mafia in NYC so the Russian Jewish mafia could take over. I know a couple of mob guys and NYC cops. He framed so many people when he was a fed prosecutor so he could build up a record to get elected mayor of NYC, and 90% of the cases were thrown out, but he was already elected. … My father was a NYC cop, then detective, and said prosecutors hardly better than the criminals…
Those bogus prosecutions also stick in the craw of JimK:
Judas compromised the legal system in the early 70’s by bringing false charges against Wall Street players, their convictions led to his career in NY. Not surprised at his drinking problem, nor his malignant behavior, suspect he really did not like Mr. Trump very much.
Also, the President’s agreeing to close the country was a deep self inflicted wound from which he could have never recovered, as it gave his enemies a door through which they rushed.
For all the President’s worldly ways, I was surprised at some of his political naivete throughout his time in office.
Tragedy for all of us. …
When he was elected my thoughts were that he was either a Charlemagne or a boy with his finger in the dike. It appears, he was the latter.
I waver in my opinion of Trump. I heartily cheered his condemnation of indoctrinating bloodsuckers, a.k.a., federal bureaucrats, in Critical Race Theory, for example. But I booed his tariffs just as loudly.
All America owes him a debt, however, for saving us from Hildabeast in 2016. Imagine how much worse the country would be today after four years of that Marxist greedball. Not to mention Beelzebubba Clinton with little to do but rent out the Lincoln Bedroom, this time with orgies.
6:51 pm on February 3, 2021