Brandenburg Vs. Gates

“This brightened my day,” Tim wrote when forwarding a story about “a now-fired employee” of Advocate Aurora Health who “intentionally removed 57 vials of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine from a refrigerator last weekend, causing them to become ineffective and be discarded.”

Those 57 vials contained “about 570 doses of vaccine,” so Steve Brandenburg, Tim’s new hero, potentially rescued 570 folks from severe side effects, paralysis and even death. And his motives seem to have been pure: he

told investigators he knew “that people who received the vaccinations would think they had been vaccinated against the virus when in fact they were not”…

As Tim sighed, “We really do need more healthcare workers of exactly that type that was just fired for actively working to save people’s lives …”

Alas, no good deed goes unpunished, so poor Mr. B

was arrested on recommended charges of first-degree recklessly endangering safety,

Oh, please.

Meanwhile, quite a few governors who are actually guilty of this crime still stalk freely among us.

adulterating a prescription drug and criminal damage to property.

Naturally, Our Rulers are making a federal case out of Mr. B’s plight:

The incident is being investigated by the FBI and the Food and Drug Administration as well as [local] police…


6:26 pm on January 2, 2021

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