Paper Ballots, QR Codes, and Voter Fraud

Steve sent this video of Jovan Pulitzer at the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee, where Mr. Pulitzer explained why examining paper ballots can prove voter fraud. As Steve puts it, this testimony “should have been broadcast live on every news network. Must watch.”

I asked Steve for a precis of the video in case you’re like me and won’t have time to view it until later: 

…Pulitzer is the inventor of the QR code and has more than 200 patents related to paper and connectivity of the physical and digital world. Basically everything that is scanned these days has his technology in it.

He says he can prove or disprove fraud by examining the paper ballots. For example, all absentee ballots should have a fold in the paper. Once a piece of paper is folded the fold is always there microscopically and can always be detected by a computer. He says there is no need to check the voting machines because it’s all about the paper ballots. He says he can process 500,000 ballots in a couple of hours. He ends with a passionate argument of why this is necessary. And, he schools an idiot state senator that said he was an electrical engineer and understands this stuff (he doesn’t), which you will like.

An “idiot state senator.” Is there any other kind?


1:15 pm on December 31, 2020