News headlines claim 95% effectiveness for Pfizer RNA COVID-19 vaccine. In hard numbers, there is only a marginal (less than 1%) statistical advantage to vaccination compared to an inactive placebo vaccine. This deception will lead to massive overvaccination of the U.S. population.
Knowledge of Health, Dec. 9, 2020 – Analysis of data released by the FDA reveals mandated vaccination of the entire U.S. population with PFIZER’S COVID-19 RNA vaccine would prevent less than 1% of COVID-19 cases.
On December 10, 2020, the Food & Drug Administration, acting as a front-man for Pfizer drug company, released a seemingly positive report on the safety and effectiveness of a 2-dose RNA COVID-19 vaccine, claiming 95% effectiveness.
The design for this ongoing vaccine study is intended to determine how well an RNA-altering COVID-19 vaccine reduces incidence of COVID-19 infection as determined by a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) nasal swab test and by symptomology over a short-term (sometime 7 days after the 2nd inoculation). The PFIZER Report is available for viewing and analysis.
The 2-inoculation regimen is used to reduce dose-related side effects.
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Both vaccinated and placebo groups experienced less than 1-percent infection rates in hard numbers, but on a relative basis vaccinated subjects experienced 95% less risk for infection.
The chance of benefiting from vaccination is less than 1-percent because very few are infected in the first place. This scheme hides the fact massive overvaccination needs to occur to produce a health benefit for very few.
Over all there were 9 cases of COVID-19 among 19,965 vaccinated subjects vs. 169 among 20,172 subjects in the placebo group. (9 divided by 169 = .05 or ~95% relative reduction in new cases of COVID-19). This is how investigators came up with the quoted 95% effectiveness for this vaccine.
It should not be misconstrued that 95% effectiveness means 95 out of 100 benefited from vaccination by reduction of risk for infection.
Over 38,000 subjects had to be inoculated to determine the number of lab-tested cases of COVID-19 were reduced from 169 to 9; (9 in 19,965 vaccinated subjects = 0.00045% or 4.5 cases in 10,000); compared to 162 COVID-19 infections among 20,172 that received an inactive placebo (0.00803% or 8 cases in 1000).
Extrapolated to entire US population (325,000,000)
If the data gleaned from the FDA/PFIZER vaccine report were applied and the entire U.S. population was vaccinated, the following chart reveals the number of infected cases would dramatically drop to 146,250 compared to 2,609,750 cases if an inactive placebo were administered, but 325,000,000 Americans would have to be inoculated to achieve these numbers, with no assurance immunity would last, with no assurance deaths would decline, and with uncertainty whether side effects will exceed benefits.
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The RNA vaccine activated dormant viruses that resulted in cases of temporary facial nerve paralysis (Bell’s palsy) and could activate incapacitating Guillain barre syndrome, shingles and hepatitis.
A number of vaccines that have undergone more rigorous study than the current COVID-19 vaccines now being licensed have been recalled due to severe side effects, some years after gaining licensure.
The data reveals 99% of the U.S. population would not benefit from RNA-vaccination against COVID-19. There is the possibility the number of side effects will exceed the number of infections prevented.
Public health authorities report 15.5 million accumulated cases of COVID-19 whereas the extrapolation presented here shows only 2,609,750 cases of COVID-19 infection with an inactive placebo vaccine. For explanation, the 15.5 is an accumulated number of cases while the 2,609,750 cases is tabulated at one point in time.
Guesstimated deaths
286,000 COVID-19-related deaths have been reported since January of 2020, or 53 cases for every death. (15.2 million cases divided by 286,000 deaths = 53)
According to the Centers for Disease Control, only 6% of the reported 286,000 deaths are solely attributed to COVID-19 with the rest attributed to advanced age and co-existent weakened immune systems and co-morbid conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Therefore, the corrected number of deaths attributed solely to COVID-19 is 6% of 286,000 = 17,160 COVID-only deaths, which is a ratio of ~885 cases for every death without an effective vaccine. (17,160 COVID-19-only related deaths in a population of 325 million would be a 0.000053% death rate or 5.3 in 100,000).
That would mean the number of subjects needed to treat (NNT) to prevent 1 death would be 885. That is the reason why COVID-19 death numbers need to be skewed higher in order to justify vaccination. Hence, older people who have comorbidities + a positive PCR COVID-19 test are considered to have died of COVID-19, not with COVID-19.
Mandatory vaccination with Pfizer’s yet unproven RNA vaccine would be presumed to raise the number of cases required to produce 1 death (now 1 in 885), thus reducing risk, which would be a very challenging task.
In the PFIZER vaccine study, there were 2 deaths in the RNA-vaccine group and 4 in the placebo group. Those deaths were not attributed to vaccination. Regardless of the numbers, there is no data to show Pfizer’s COVID-19 RNA vaccine reduces the COVID-19 death rate whatsoever. Only a long-term study would reveal any survival benefit for vaccination. They study was not designed to determine death rate.
When only 286,000 subjects (w/comorbidities) die in a population of 325 million, that equals 8.8 deaths in 10,000 or 0.00088%. When only 17,160 die with COVID-19 (w/o comorbidities), that is 5.3 deaths per 100,000 or 0.000053%. Either way, whichever mortality numbers are used, a lot of people have to be vaccinated to save 1 life.
Any analyst would conclude, from these numbers, this is not a pandemic. Only a flawed PCR test and re-categorization of deaths produces the above mortality numbers. Even then, the chance of dying of or with COVID-19 is remote and contrived.
Confirmation of infection
Occurrence of COVID-19 was assessed by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing of a nasal swab sample and also by symptomology. The PCR test is notoriously inaccurate and produces 100% false positives and is known to start pseudo-epidemics.
Prior to the beginning of the Pfizer study, almost no cases of COVID-19 were detected in both vaccine and placebo groups respectively. Again, with all of the fear mongering over this COVID-19 pandemic, only 3 subjects entered the study with a positive PCR test for COVID-19 out of ~38,000 study participants (0.000078% or ~8 in 100,000).
Side Effects and adverse events
A major problem is that vaccination itself often induces symptoms of infection such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, which makes it difficult to distinguish vaccine-related side effects from symptoms of the disease.
Among 18,804 vaccinated subjects, 8 experienced an adverse event.
Among 18,892 patients receiving placebo (inactive agent by injection), 5 experienced an adverse event.
There were very few severe side effects: Just 1 participant experienced a severe side effect in the vaccine group versus 3 in the placebo group.
Obesity is a strong risk factor for COVID-19 infection. Only 3 (37.5%) were obese in the vaccine group and 67 (41.4%) in the placebo group.
Only 14.2% of 19,000 vaccinated subjects reported fever. Fever is necessary to activate antibodies against any infectious disease. It is questionable whether vaccination will produce long-term immunity against COVID-19 coronavirus.
A total of six deaths occurred in the reporting period (2 deaths in the vaccine group, 4 in placebo group).
Suspected cases of COVID-19
There were 3410 total cases of “suspected” but unconfirmed COVID-19 by PCR test in the overall study population; 1594 occurred in the vaccine group (8.2%) among ~19,500+ vaccinated subjects vs. 1816 (~9.3%) among ~19,500 placebo-treated participants. This reveals there was very little relative difference (1.1%) between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups when evaluated by symptomology.
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Within 7 days after any vaccination, suspected COVID-19 cases as determined by symptomology were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group. There was a small favorable reduction in symptoms in the placebo group compared to the vaccinated group in this immediate post-inoculation period. (409 among 19,500 vaccinated = 2.0% vs. 287 among 19,500 unvaccinated group = 1.5%).
Contents of vaccine and likely method of action
Any resistance to infection may have been temporarily produced by the noxious chemicals in the vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine contains noxious chemicals that will likely activate the immune system and transiently raise the resistance to infection, regardless of the RNA-altering activity of the vaccine. However, this immune system activation would not be expected to last long. Post-vaccination testing was done 7+ days following immunization.
According to the FDA report, the Pfizer RNA vaccine contains the following:
A nucleoside-modified messenger RNA encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2. The vaccine also includes the following ingredients: lipids (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl) bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2- hexyldecanoate), 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-distearoyl-snglycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.
Nerve palsy
News headlines point to four cases of temporary facial nerve paralysis (Bell’s Palsy) in the vaccinated group versus none in the unvaccinated group. Certainly, noxious chemicals in the vaccine may have activated dormant herpes viruses in the facial nerve. Bell’s palsy and shingles are more often reported by older adults, especially adults over age 80. The 80+ age group is the most vulnerable to COVID-19 but very few participants in this study were over age 75 to accurately assess this risk. RNA-COVID-19 vaccination may cause dormant viruses to erupt and result in cases of shingles, facial nerve paralysis (Bell’s palsy), Guillain Barre syndrome, and hepatitis.