Brutus observes,
If the virus was the threat we are made to believe it is:
– Only those at high risk would wear a mask
– Only those in a high risk situation would wear a mask
– All people would not be forced to wear masks
– Masks would not be improperly worn
– Masks would be doffed and discarded with the same attention as one does surgical gloves covered in excrement
– Men would shave their beards as with all the air that bypasses the mask they pretty much negate any mask benefit
– You would not be allowed to adjust your mask and then touch products on store shelves, hand the cashier money, touch the credit card machine, touch the door, ……
– Stores would be setting up decontamination stations so you could clean and then bag your products as they came off the shelf
– People would not engage in drive up shopping, trusting others to gather their purchases and place them in their car, not knowing who touched what
– People would not be eating fresh produce that could not be sterilized
– People would not take their masks off to talk to you…
– You would not need to force people to stay apart
– People would stay a lot farther than 6 feet apart
– People would stay away from sports events on their own… because the players would be staying away
– People not wearing a mask would be given a wide berth for the safety of both parties
– People would not be wearing the same mask for a week
– People would not be casually storing their used masks in pockets, hand bags and hung over the rear view mirror…
– Those not wearing a mask would be pitied as they would obviously have a serious issue and would not be able to uses this vital piece of protective gear …
– Families would be allowed, perhaps required to take their elderly members out of nursing homes if they could care for them more effectively…
– Test kits and treatment drugs would be dispensed over the counter or via the mail to limit contact …
Perhaps most telling of all, however, is the age-old question: cui bono?
2:36 pm on September 17, 2020