Former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written a letter to mothers in Italy, warning them that they must protect their children from corruption by the state.
In his impassioned address, written on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the archbishop endorsed an upcoming parents’ protest in September against the security measures and secular values being imposed on Italian schools.
Viganò reminded mothers that parents have an “inalienable right” and duty to educate their children.
“The State cannot arrogate this right, much less corrupt children and indoctrinate them in the perverse principles that are so widespread today,” he wrote (full letter translated and published below).
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The Archbishop warned that usurpation of the parents’ role is a hallmark of totalitarian regimes, “not of a civil and Christian nation” and stressed that if they permit this, their own values will be rejected.
“It is your duty to raise your voice so that these attempts to steal the education of your children may be denounced and rejected with force because you will be able to do very little for them if your faith, ideas, and culture are judged incompatible with those of an impious and materialistic state.”
He later added that the “idea that children are the property of the state repulses every human person.”
Viganò asserted that the family is the foundation of society and that attempts to demolish it must be denounced. He stressed that the presence of both a mother and a father is “fundamental” to children’s upbringing and decried the exploitation of children by those who assert otherwise.
“You can easily understand the impact of the destruction of the family on the civil consortium,” he added.
“Today we have right before our eyes the results of decades of unfortunate policies that inevitably lead to the dissolution of society.”
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The archbishop also condemned abortion and the Italian government’s recent decision to remove safeguards on the use of abortion pills in the country and suggested that Italy cannot hope for God’s blessing when “human sacrifices are being made in our clinics.”
This point led him to reflect on the use of material from aborted fetuses to create vaccines and the threat of vaccines that may be dangerous. He deplored the possibility that children with the coronavirus may be taken from their parents and the more immediate problem of children having to wear masks and being forced into “social distancing” at school.
“It seems that the very notion of common sense that ought to govern choices fraught with consequences in social life has been lost,” Viganò remarked.
The archbishop also took aim at the World Health Organization for appointing former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, who belongs to such international NGOs as the Bilderberg Club, as the new President of the European Commision for Health and Development
“This mixing of private interests in public affairs, inspired by the dictates of Masonic and globalist thought, should be vigorously denounced by those who are representatives of the citizens, and by those who see their legitimate powers usurped by an elite that has never made a mystery of its true intentions,” Viganò wrote.
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The Archbishop explained why he believes that a vaccine may not be the best way to stop the Covid-19 pandemic, and accused the WHO of being in league with pharmaceutical companies to transform “citizens into chronically ill people.”
“How can we think that the search for cures and therapies is being promoted in a disinterested way if those who finance the search profit disproportionately from the persistence of pathologies?” he asked.
Calling upon Catholic doctors to be faithful to their vocation, Viganò mourned the “new orientation” of the Pontifical Academy for Life away from concern for the unborn towards hopes for mass vaccination. The archbishop declared that “it is absolutely inadmissible to accept a vaccination that utilizes material coming from human fetuses in its process of production.”
The archbishop also condemned any state attempt to impose vaccination on citizens and the ideology of those who would like to use nanotechnologies to control their fellow man.