No Wonder Masked Morons Can’t Reason

Sal Fariello forwarded “Low Oxygen Symptoms: Signs You May Not Be Getting Enough Oxygen,” which, though written last year, is even more apropos now, given the Masked Madness threatening us. Said symptoms include:

  • Confusion
  • A sense of euphoria [HA! Not likely given the havoc BLM, Progressives, politicians, bureaucrats, and assorted other lowlives have wreaked]
  • Restlessness
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness and/or fainting spells
  • Lack of coordination
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Visual disturbances
  • A bluish tint to the lips, earlobes, and/or nail beds (cyanosis)
  • Elevated red blood cell count or polycythemia (if a long-term problem)

Mr. Fariello commented:

Some authorities say [a pulse oximeter reading of] 90% is too low. Others say 92%. The above article says … 95% is too low, and symptoms include headaches.

Perhaps all supermarket employees should be tested while at work wearing their masks? All the ones I have spoken to are complaining of headaches.

A friend who’s a cashier in a grocery store moaned about this months ago, when Our Rulers first began requiring muzzles.

By the way, there is something called a distracted driver-cause of car crashes. From a behavioral (human factors) point of view, it would be difficult to argue that driving with a headache is fine as a headache can affect vision, concentration, etc.

Keep in mind that as O2 saturation drops, the blood CO2 level is likely rising. … credible research has established that elevated CO2 can lead to headache and reduced performance metrics.

Thank you, Rulers, for saving us from flu so we can die on the roads from CO2-drunk drivers. Stellar job from you despots, as always.


11:36 am on July 6, 2020