With Social Justice Warrior “woke” executive producer Leonardo DiCaprio, the History channel mini-series, Grant, airing tonight features on-camera interviews with “top experts” in the field including Ron Chernow (principal establishment court historian biographer of elites such as Alexander Hamilton, J. P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller); retired United States Army General and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director David Petraeus (representing the deep state viewpoint); acclaimed progressive author and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates (major proponent of slavery reparations who has contributed to The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post, The Washington Monthly, O, and other “safe” publications); professor of English at West Point Elizabeth Samet; and CEO of the American Civil War Museum in Richmond, VA Christy Coleman, to name a few of the choice worthies.
It may be great as an epic production but just know going into it of where it will be coming from.
Being that it is from History (formerly The History Channel) be on guard for falsified “fake” revisionist history and a clear ideological slant, as we have seen in previous duplicitous enterprises of this sort such as The Men Who Built America and The World Wars.
To modern progressive court historians such as Pulitzer Prize winning Marxist Eric Foner, the War To Destroy The Southern Confederacy, was the real founding of the centralized American leviathan state. See his recent The Second Founding: How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitution. A seminal figure in that founding was US Grant.
Court historians such as Chernow and Foner are the intellectual bodyguards of the State. They shape and defend the “official line” or interpretation on the State’s wars, its presidential regimes, or other key historical events or public policies. As a result they enjoy high esteem and recognition in the mainstream media and academia. As defenders of the status quo they frequently attack and label their critics as “conspiracy theorists,” “racists,” “isolationists,” “appeasers,” “anti-intellectuals,” or other boogie men, rather than engage in civil discourse, debate, or discussion.
As the late economist/historian Murray N. Rothbard noted:
All States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society. Since its rule is exploitative and parasitic, the State must purchase the alliance of “Court Intellectuals” whose task is to bamboozle the public into accepting and celebrating the rule of its particular State. The Court Intellectuals have their work cut out for them. In exchange for their continuing work of apologetics and bamboozlement, the Court Intellectuals win their place as junior partners in the power, prestige, and loot extracted by the State apparatus from the deluded public. The noble task of Revisionism is to de-bamboozle; to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals, and to present to the public the true history of the motivation, the nature, and the consequences of State activity. By working past the fog of State deception to penetrate to the truth, to the reality behind the false appearances. The Revisionist works to delegitimize, to desanctify, the State in the eyes of the previously deceived public.
7:51 am on May 25, 2020