Murray Rothbard versus William F. Buckley

Dear John:

Yes, Murray was a gargantuan intellectual and ethical figure, William F. Buckley was a pipsqueak.

Best regards,


Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 1:22 PM
To: Walter Block <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Bernie

Dear Dr. Block;

I think you are right.

As big a cultural figure as Buckley was in his lifetime and as much political influence as he held, that type of fame and power is ephemeral.

It is ideas that last.

When I was a student at Auburn University back in the 1990s, WFB, Jr. gave a speech and as a “conservative” young Turk, I of course was in attendance.

In the lecture hall with the other students and faculty, I smugly assumed I was such an erudite and informed citizen, much more so than the other college kids whose only concern was what rock band was playing at the local pub that weekend.

All the while, it was I who was the truly ignorant one: I had no clue who Murray Rothbard was, much less that such a think-tank as the Mises Institute existed in Auburn.

Thankfully, as long as exists, the ideas that Rothbard championed can bypass the barricades erected by the ruling establishment.

So keep up the good work!


“The bird a nest; the spider a web; man, friendship.”  William Blake


3:03 am on April 17, 2020