New York’s Governor is Andrew Cuomo. He says
“Anyone who questions extreme weather and climate change is just delusional at this point. We have seen in the state of New York what every one has seen. We see these weather patterns that we never had before. We didn’t have hurricanes. We didn’t have superstorms. We didn’t have tornadoes. This is a storm that came up just overnight, dropped about five inches of rain, and it was literally a matter of life or death for people.”
New York State’s government is nuts over the weather. The State has passed a stringent emissions bill that’s going to hurt everyone except people who make windmills, fill out forms, people who feel good about crazy environmental laws, and other assorted beneficiaries of such insane regulations.
This is totally the result of electing environmental communist/democrats as this article shows. If people elect environmental communists/totalitarians to govern them, the result is legislation like this. It will definitely be a monstrous waste of money and cause electricity supply problems down the road.
What can one do about a brainwashed population? What can one do about people who vote for hurting nearly everyone, including themselves and their families? What can one do about people who are scared the world will end in 12 years unless energy is produced by the most high-priced means that exist?
Leaving the state and country is the natural option. But watch out because there’s a trend elsewhere: “New York now joins California, Nevada, Hawaii, Washington, New Mexico, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico in targeting 100 percent clean power.” Also: “In passing bold climate legislation, New York will follow in the footsteps of Maine, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, California, and New Jersey, all of which have passed substantive clean energy policies in the past year or so. (Hawaii has had its 100 percent renewables target in place since 2015.)”
State governments are every bit as oppressive as the federal government.
As Americans who have to pay the bills and experience unknown hardships proliferate across this land, will they defy these communist governments and elements who are becoming so prevalent in schools, universities, media and government? Will they see the light? Will they organize and gather together to fight these crazy evil ones with their crazy evil impositions? Or will they sink into poverty, alcohol, drugs, passivity, suicide and death?
9:02 am on November 2, 2019