Historian Eric Foner Lets The Cat Outta The Bag

The illustrious commie historian, Eric Foner, in his new book, The Second Founding: How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitutionis to be highly commended for finally putting into stark black and white text what discerning persons have long suspected (and quietly believed) as the true consequence of Lincoln’s War for Coercive National Consolidation.

Because of the eviscerating actions of the Lincoln regime, the US Constitution became a meaningless scrap of parchment, much like the Magna Carta, fit only for display in a museum or national archive to fawning school children and the gaping naive.

The plutocratic counter-revolutionaries who met in Philadelphia in 1787 instituted a nationalist Coup d’état from the decentralized Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union established during the American Revolution.

These authoritative facts have been substantiated in such scholarly definitive works as Sheldon Richman’s America’s Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited; Michael J. Klarman’s The Framers’ Coup: The Making of the United States Constitution; Gary North’s Conspiracy in Philadelphia: The Broken Covenant of the U.S. Constitution; and most recently in Ivan Jankovic’s The American Counter-Revolution in Favor of Liberty: How Americans Resisted Modern State, 1765–1850, and Murray N. Rothbard’s forthcoming Conceived in Liberty: The New Republic, 1784–1791, Volume V .

The 1860s was a pivotal time in world history. Both Bismarck in Europe and Lincoln in North America were setting in motion disturbing and destructive forces of centralization and consolidation which would foreshadow the ominous direction toward future aggrandizement and total war.

Each of these unrepentant authoritarians would transform and remake the social order under his suzerainty.

Lincoln, in the name of a faux egalitarianism, would destroy forever the illusion that the United States was created as a decentralized federal republic of sovereign independent states who had delegated expressed powers to the general government for limited purposes. His counter-revolutionary War to Prevent Southern Independence led to the deaths of over 750,000 persons North and South and the fracturing of the rule of law and the very notion of constitutional ordered liberty.

Bismarck, through a series of egregious wars and other perfidious machinations, would create the modern German nation-state. The Germanic welfare/warfare state would now be the model for aspiring nationalist counter-revolutionaries, devoted to centralized statism, terror, and imperial domination.


6:16 pm on September 24, 2019