I wrote several articles in the past about the importance of maintaining good first-aid treatment capabilities when you’re out in the woods, as well as in the home. I also mentioned the need for training and suggested several ways to go about receiving it to better prepare you and your family. That being said, your situation is your own: you may not have the time to do such training, although it is a priority.
In a related article, we discussed the importance of prepping trauma packs in detail:
“Having these items pre-packaged cuts down on response time, and gives the responders more of an advantage in properly caring for the wounded…
Medical first response packs can be made ahead of time using most of the medical products that you have on hand. In fact, these first response packs are not limited to medical emergencies, they can also be used for dental emergencies as well. To prepare for a SHTF scenario, it would be beneficial to take into account the most likely medical situations you may come in contact with and plan accordingly.
QuikClot First Aid Adv...
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In the meantime, you can stock up on some supplies that will help you and perhaps “fill in the gaps” when you don’t have the time to train. As I’ve covered the topic extensively, this is not the scope of this article. You’ve all heard of “quick clot,” the substance used to stop bleeding and aid you in bandaging up wounds. We just put out an article on Yarrow, an herb that stops bleeding and aids in clotting. Let’s go a step further with a couple of kits to recommend.
These two products are put out by the Tendy Corporation. The first is a QuickClot advanced Clotting Sponge that will run you about $13.00 for deep wounds and lacerations. You apply it to the wound and either wrap it with a bandage or affix it with a cloth (field-expedient method), such as a “drive-on rag,” or cravat. It’s a “one-shot Willie,” meaning you use it once and then dispose of it. Be advised: it’s not a substitute for a good pressure dressing, but it’ll give you an edge where you need it with a severe or deep laceration.
The second item is the Trauma Pak, and this is a sturdy pouch with the following in it: 25 grams of QuickClot, a 5” x 9” trauma pad (dressing), one pair of gloves, a hand-cleaner pad, a 2” x 26” section of duct tape (without duct tape the world would come apart!), (4) Sterile dressings, some 3” gauze, and antiseptic wipes. The bag can be re-sealed if you need it. A perk to having this kit is it has a small booklet on First-Aid ABC’s and instructions on how to render first aid on life-threatening injuries such as a sucking chest wound.
Adventure Medical Kits...
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Israeli Bandage Battle...
Buy New $7.75
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Recon Medical BLK-1PAK...
Buy New $14.97
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Premium First Aid Kit ...
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