A segment of the young, poorly-educated Marxist Left, many of whom are products of some sixteen years or more of relentless left-wing indoctrination (“political correctness”) in state-run schools, has decided that communism — yes, communism — should be the future of America. Like all good Marxist totalitarians, they don’t care about facts or reality or debate and discussion. They know The Truth — communism — and all those who disagree are to be slandered, libeled, smeared, or worse. They have apparently decided that their mating call is going to be “white nationalism!!!.” Whenever a conservative or libertarian speaker shows up on a campus, he or she is invariably labeled a “white nationalist,” code language for “racist,” so that their views are to be shunned by all civilized peoples.
A recent example is the malicious, libelous smearing of Professor Marshall DeRosa, a political science professor at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) for the past 25 years. The apparent ringleader of this smear is a non-student named Ralph Wilson, a dead ringer for a young Charles Manson according to his mug shot on “unkochmycampus.org.” He and his fellow libelers are also associated with something called Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which looks at North Korea as its favorite government in the world.
A review of the web site of “freedom road socialist organization” reveals just who this Ralph Wilson and his band of communist punks are, what they believe in, and what they think should be taught — at the exclusion of everything else — at Florida Atlantic University, and all universities.
“We are revolutionary socialists,” they proclaim. They claim to idolize ‘the Paris commune of 1871,” the “Russian Revolution,” which “showed how a new society could be built,” and Mao’s “cultural revolution.” Their heroes are “Marx, Lenin, and Mao . . .”
Socialism is “the society we will build,” they proclaim. They promise to “weaken the enemy” through “militant action.” “We exist to organize for socialism.” Their philosophical guide is “Marxist theory” and “the roots of our theory are based on Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, and other revolutionaries . . . including Che Guevara and Ho Chi Minh.
“Capitalism is the enemy” which must be destroyed (thereby impoverishing the entire planet, incidentally).
They are segregationist black nationalists as well: “We support self-determination for the African-American nation” which they hope will include “the establishment of an independent African-American nation.” The Ku Klux Klan could not have devised a more deviously catastrophic scheme to destroy the black population in America: segregate all the black people in one place and impose communism on them, guaranteeing that they will suffer, starve, and become the poorest and most wretched people on earth, the exact result of socialism everywhere. And oh, by the way, one of their publications praises socialist Venezuela to the treetops. The problem with Venezuela, they say, is that there is still too much economic freedom and not enough socialism there.
If Professor DeRosa were to invite Comrade Wilson or others in his libelous gang to guest lecture in his class, it’s a good bet that the theme of the lecture would be one that Milton Friedman proposed many years ago while ridiculing the idea of socialized medicine:
- Socialism has been a human catastrophe wherever it has been implemented.
- Everyone in the world knows this.
- Therefore, we need more socialism.