Hillary Laughs Off Awan Scandal

The expression “tin ear” does not begin to describe Hillary Clinton’s problem.  A good sense of humor is not among her presentation skills, to say the least.

The mainstream media certainly don’t like President Trump’s sense of humor, but when it comes to Hillary, they even let pass her infamous “like with a cloth?” joke.  That moment was not only a groaner of epic proportion, but the most counterproductive attempt in memory to disarm a hostile questioner.  Instead of removing the issue from further discussion, it became an icon signaling her refusal to speak honestly about the destruction of evidence.

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I bet she thought making the wiping motion would endear herself to all those oppressed women.  But associating Hillary Clinton with domestic labor is ludicrous.  This is a woman who hasn’t driven a car for decades.  Whatever household chores she may or may not have performed when she and Bill were just starting out as junior faculty in 1973 ended forever when she and Bill moved into the Arkansas governor’s mansion in 1979.

It must be reckoned that Hillary is far more adept at using anger to deflect an issue.  She managed to shut down further Benghazi questioning in a Senate hearing with her equally iconic exasperated outburst: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”  None of her former colleagues cared to risk the Wrath of Hillary.

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