How the Media Could Defeat Trump

Writes Stefan Lundberg:


Trump isn’t going to lose his base over tweets, complimenting reporters’ smiles, or sensationalized spin on policy issues like healthcare, the travel ban, and the PCA. I.e. “Everyone is going to die!”

If the media wants to defeat Trump, they need to expose his failure to deliver on campaign promises. They could start by covering the “unnecessary wars” we are still entangled in abroad, an obvious failure in Trump’s implementation of the “America First” agenda. But that would require MSM to actually be against our imperialist foreign policy instead of operating as the propaganda machines that perpetuate it.

Every time the left loses their mind over “nothing burgers” they push Trump’s base back into his corner. If they want to defeat Trump they need to make it less fun to root against his opposition. And right now it’s still pretty fun.
