From: RS
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 6:34 PM
To: Walter Block
Subject: New Monetary System
Hello Walter, Big thanks from me for all your work and posts over the years. Very, very informative and helpful. After many years of interest and study of monetary manipulations, present and past, I’m conducting a simple, informal survey of sharp and respected people re: Honest and Workable Monetary System. The basic question is this: “If you were suddenly King of the Planet, and you could wipe all current monetary systems, perpetrators, shenanigans and attached appendages completely off the table, what would be the foundational premises you would use to establish the most simple, workable, honest and sustainable new monetary system?”
(Your premises may be moral, ethical, spiritual, physical, practical, technological, mathematical… whatever best supports and maintains monetary integrity, as you see it.) (Another way to imagine it is that you and a million others are on your way to establishing a civilization on a new planet. You are tasked with creating an exchange system that works and is sustainable… or at least the framework for it.) If perhaps you have the time to write one concise paragraph that lays down the bare-bones fundamental premises of your New System, that would be great. I prefer super-concise… one paragraph max. I plan to collate the replies I receive, remove author-identifying details, and return email the collected ideas back to everyone who responds to the question above. If you do not have the time or are not able to reply, that is quite alright. I appreciate your time. All The Best, RS
Dear RS: Whatever the market decides. If we go to another planet, and we’ve got to inaugurate something before the market has had a chance to act, then, I’d extrapolate from a time on earth when the market was free to act, and it chose gold (sometimes silver). So, I’d propose gold as money, keeping open the possibility that on this new planet, platinum, or copper, could be better.
9:22 pm on December 2, 2016