One More Vote for Donald Trump; Scholars for Trump

—–Original Message—–
From: JM
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 6:50 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hello from Kansas

Hello Walter, Last week I told my wife Sheila that after a long , tortuous mental process I decided would not be voting in this presidential election. While Gary Johnson seemed weak, and I couldn’t allow myself to vote for Jill Stein, Trump never held a consistent set of ideas and Clinton is too much of a dyed-in-the-wool militarist. Nevertheless come Monday my mind had changed, and it may have been your polemics in favor of Donald Trump, Walter, that caused me to rise this morning and cast my vote for him. May God have mercy upon my soul, I voted for Donald Trump. He is far more likely to steer clear of war, I think. JM

Dear JM: I am delighted that my efforts moved you in what I regard as a reasonable direction. Here are my “polemics” on this matter:

We now are right at 70 qualified individuals on our Scholars for Trump list. Once again, I think it remarkable that we have such a variety of institutions and backgrounds represented. Indeed, as I remarked earlier, well over half of these scholars and academics have not be active politically previously. These individuals are in large part not the “usual suspects” who feed at the GOP trough. The universities represented include some of the most prestigious schools in the nation—notice that the University of Chicago, Yale, MIT, the University of California-Berkeley, in addition to several overseas institutions, are listed in the short biographical identifiers.

Notice as well that the list includes a number of traditional Catholic scholars, Southerners, and libertarian economists, plus academics associated with the Old Right.

To my knowledge the list has shown up in The Remnant and The Wanderer (traditional Catholic publications), the Lew Rockwell internet site and the Economic Policy Journal (more centered on libertarian issues), plus various other sites. And those already on the list have shared it with colleagues…. Thus, in just barely three weeks, the list has gone from a couple of dozen to seventy.

I leave it others to interpret meanings, but I am encouraged.

Share as you see fit.

Boyd Cathey


The following statement of support for Donald Trump is intended to counteract the dishonest presentation of this promising presidential candidate by much of the national media. Those who have attached their signatures to this statement are accredited scholars, mostly with PhD s, who are endorsing Donald Trump as a credible candidate for the presidency and as the only barrier now standing between us and (Heaven forfend!) the election of Hillary Clinton. It is our hope that the appearance of this statement on respected websites will generate signatures from other scholars and that our statement of support can be placed in the national press. We are fully aware that signing this statement will not bring the signatory the same professional rewards as speaking at a conference on why Trump is a “fascist” or on why he reminds one of the late German Fuhrer. Expressing support for the Republican presidential candidate undoubtedly requires more courage, particularly for someone in the academic profession. But we trust that there are lots of courageous scholars who read this website and who will be eager to append their signatures to our statement.
Yours truly,
Dr. Paul Gottfried, [email protected]
Dr. Walter Block, [email protected]
Dr. Boyd Cathey, [email protected]
Conveners of this list

We the undersigned scholars hereby express our support for the presidential bid of Donald J. Trump and his agenda for a renewed America, and we invite others to join us. While we recognize that our candidate may be an imperfect vehicle, the agenda he has laid out for America is critical if our nation is to avoid continuing decline. The prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency is more dangerous than the past personal imperfections of a Donald Trump.
Contrary to what is disseminated by both the mainstream media and by certain members of the Washington/New York political establishment, supporters of the Trump agenda are by no means limited to the badly educated and ill-informed. We feature numerous academics and other professionals who share the vision of “making America great again.” We are vitally concerned about reversing the direction in which this country has been moving for decades under both Democratic and Republican administrations alike. We want to move away from harming our economically strained middle and working classes. We reject the pattern of stifling freedom of thought and speech that is being imposed by government agencies, as well as by the media and our universities in the name of an increasingly restrictive political correctness. Moreover, the Trump agenda emphasizes the importance of the rule of law in civilized society, and the necessity of law and order, and the protection of private property. The Donald Trump agenda is committed to making our borders and our streets truly safe and secure.
Finally, we see a Trump administration as an opportunity to give new direction to American foreign policy. Neither an isolationist retrenchment nor an ideological crusade, a Trump administration will base its dealings with other nations firmly on rational American interests. Such an agenda has deep and honorable roots in American history. Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that our nation must chart a path in international relations that avoids the policy of playing policeman to the entire world or confusing statecraft with a globalist democratic agenda that supposedly fits all situations. We believe a Donald Trump administration will offer an alternative to the failed policies of recent presidents.
We invite those scholars who share this vision of a renewed America to join us in this ongoing effort. We believe this agenda to make America great again transcends political parties and is vital for our future.
Charles Ackeman, Professor of Mathematics, University of California-Santa Barbara; PhD, University of California-Berkeley

Wayne M. Adler, JD, Seton Hall

Wayne Allensworth, Author and Russian/foreign affairs consultant; MA, University of Texas

Robert Belleville, Headmaster, Holy Family Academy; PhD, Boston College

Walter Block, Professor of Economics, Loyola University, New Orleans; PhD, Columbia University

Darren Beattie, Duke University; PhD, Duke University
David Brook, Director (retired), North Carolina Division of Archives and History; PhD, North Carolina State University
Michael W. Burnett, PhD (Geochemistry), California Institute of Technology
Adam Candeub, Professor of Law, Michigan State University; JD, University of Pennsylvania Law School; BA, Yale University
Nick Capaldi, Director for Spiritual Capital, Loyola University, New Orleans; PhD, Columbia University
Robert Carballo, Professor of English, Millersville University; PhD, University of Miami
Boyd Cathey, State Registrar (retired), North Carolina Division of Archives and History; MA (Jefferson Fellow), University of Virginia; PhD, University of Navarra, Spain
Tim Condon, Author; BA, University of South Florida; JD, University of Florida
Robert F. Conn, JD, Texas Tech University
Brad Culkin, CTO, New Logic Research; PhD (Physics), Northwestern University; MA, The Johns Hopkins University
Judge Sam Currin (retired), former Chairman, NC Republican Party; JD, University of North Carolina School of Law
Douglas Daze, JD, Florida State University; BA. University of Georgia
Marshall DeRosa, Professor, Florida Atlantic University; PhD, University of Houston
Stanley P. Fields, JD, University of New Mexico; MS, Eastern New Mexico University’ LLM, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, U. S. Army.
Stephen P. Foster, Professor and University Librarian, Wright State University; PhD, St. Louis University
Paul Gottfried, Elizabethtown College, Raffensperger Professor of Humanities (emeritus); PhD, Yale University
Fran Griffin, President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation; MA, University of Chicago
William Harless, CEO, Encyt Technologies; PhD, University of Texas-Austin; MD, University of Texas-Galveston
David J. Heleniak, JD, Widener University School of Law; MA, Drew University
Balazs Hetenyi, Professor of Physics, Bilkent University, Turkey; PhD., Columbia University
Reed R. Heustis, JD, California Western School of Law; BS, University of California-Irvine
Michael Hickman, Professor, University of Mary; PhD, Catholic University of America
Sandor Holly, Inventor; PhD (Physics), Harvard University; MS (Electrical Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shane Hoose, Assistant Professor of Music, Eastern Kentucky University; PhD, University of Iowa
James Kalb, JD, Yale University
Nicholas Kaster, Author; JD, DePaul College of Law
Jack Kerwick, Professor, Rowan College, New Jersey; PhD, Temple University
Kimberly Johnson, Professor of Sociology, Lock Haven University; PhD, University of North Texas
Donald Livingston, Professor of Philosophy (emeritus), Emory University; PhD, Washington University
John M. Longino, MBA, University of Texas
Roger Lucheta, ScD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MS, University of Arizona; MS, University of Massachusetts
Wayne Lutton, Editor of Social Contract; PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Christopher Manion, Professor, Christendom College; PhD, Notre Dame University
Brion McClanahan, PhD, University of South Carolina
Allen Mendenhall, Associate Dean and Executive Director, Blackstone & Burke Center for Law and Liberty, Faulkner University; PhD, Auburn University; LL.M, Temple University; JD and MA, West Virginia University
Donald W. Miller, Professor of Surgery (emeritus), Seattle Swedish Medical Center
Karen A. Mitchell, MA (English), SUNY-New Paltz
Stephen F. Moore, Professor (emeritus), California Polytechnic; PhD, University of California-Davis
Slade Myrick, MBA, University of Chicago; BS, Texas Tech University
Julie Nelson, Publisher, Psychology Times; PhD, University of Oklahoma
John Newhard, Professor, East Tennessee State University; PhD, Clemson University
Eric Obermeyer, Professional Engineer; MS, Michigan Technological University
Larry Odzak, Visiting Scholar (emeritus), University of North Carolina; PhD, University of Florida
Svetozar Pejovich, Professor of Economics (emeritus), Texas A & M University; Senior Research Fellow, International Centre for Economic Research, Torino, Italy; PhD, Georgetown University; LLB. University of Belgrade, Serbia
Alan Potkin, Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University; PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Dan “Red” Phillips, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Mercer University; MD, Emory University,
Mark Pulliam, Author; JD, University of Texas School of Law
Ralph Raico, Professor, SUNY Buffalo; PhD, University of Chicago
Thomas J. Robertson, Jr., MD, University of Virginia School of Medicine; BS, Hampden Sydney College
Kurt Roemer, Professor, University of San Francisco; MMS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jesse Russell, Professor, University of Mary; PhD, Louisiana State University
Jeremy Sain, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Clarendon College; PhD, University of California-Berkeley
Carmine T. Sarraccino, Professor of English, Elizabethtown College; PhD, University of Michigan
Margaret Hillman Shanley, Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine, University of Pittsburgh; MD, University of Connecticut
Mirand Sharma, MD, Emergency Medicine Specialist
William L. Smith, ME (retired); BS, Marquette University
David L. Sonnier, Professor of Computer Science, Lyon College; MS, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lt. Colonel (retired); BS, U. S. Military Academy
V. Craig Sower, Professor of English, Shujitsu University (Japan); Master of Arts in Teaching, School for International Training
Michael R. Stoddard, CPA/CFP, Brigham Young University
Frank J. Tipler, Professor, Tulane University; PhD, University of Maryland
Jorge Velasquez, MS (Mechanical Engineering), University of South Florida
Richard W. Wilcke, Executive-in-Residence, Equine Industry Program, College of Business, University of Louisville; BS, Kansas State University; Second-Degree Plan, Washburn University
Clyde Wilson, Professor of History (emeritus), University of South Carolina; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Please join this growing list. Send your name and credentials to Paul Gottfried, at [email protected]. If you are unsure whether or not you qualify as a scholar (we are looking for those with PhDs, academics, and professors, and those with medical, law, engineering, architectural and other such professional degrees, also masters’ degrees, published writers and authors) err on the side of including yourself, but give us more information about yourself. In order to do the most good, we want this list to be as large as possible, while still adhering to common definitions of “scholar.”

Gottfried, Paul, Walter Block and Boyd Cathey. 2016. “Scholars in Support of Donald Trump to be the Next President of the United States.” October 18.

Block, Walter E. 2016. “Cut Trump Some Slack: Threats; and Donald Trump.” July 12;

Cut Trump Some Slack

Block, Walter E. 2016. “Hillary, Bernie, Donald, Gary: A Libertarian Perspective.” June 4;

Block, Walter E. 2016. “Libertarians for Trump.” March 15;

Block, Walter E. 2016. “Libertarians for Trump, Revisited.” March 29;

Block, Walter E. 2015. “Response to the Bionic Mosquito on Rand Paul versus Donald Trump.” October, 26;

Free trade:;

NYTimes, Trump girlfriend:

Equal pay:

Moran, Andrew. 2016. “Where’s Walter Block? Donald Trump Adviser Says Welfare Opponents Hate the Poor.” March 10;;

March 22, 2016. Trump;

March 30, 2016. Ernie Hancock. On Donald Trump.;

April 4, 2016. “Should You Support Donald Trump?”:;;

April 6, 2016. Debate with Bob Wenzel on Donald Trump; Tom Woods show; [email protected];;;

April 9, 2016. on Donald Trump

April 15, 2016. On Donald Trump.

May 31, 2016. Vancouver, BC. Caleb McMillan. topic: libertarian support for Donald Trump.;;

November 1, 2016. NYC. Soho Forum ( Debate: Walter Block, Loyola University New Orleans versus Nick Gillespie of Reason magazine; (the debate starts at around the 24 minute mark; the comedic introduction starts at about the 18 minute mark);;;; Tickets can be reserved here:;; [email protected]; [email protected]
November 1, 2016. NYC. Soho Forum ( Debate: Walter Block, Loyola University New Orleans versus Nick Gillespie of Reason magazine; Resolved: “Libertarians should vote for Donald Trump for president.”; (the debate starts at around the 24 minute mark; the comedic introduction starts near the 18 minute mark);;;;;;;;;
1. Dr. Nick Gillespie has his own central planning industrial policy: factory jobs are bad.
2. The supreme court is unimportant. So what that Hillary will appoint more pinkos
3. Free association is unimportant. So what that the baker had to pay a fine of $130,000 for refusing to service a gay wedding
4. The rust belt had nothing to do with unions
5. He kept interrupting me all throughout the debate
6. He refused to rank Hillary vs. Donald
7. He’s a thick libertarian: if you’re not wildly enthusiastic about inter-racial marriage, you’re really not a libertarian, in his view
8. He dismissed as a problem the rapefugees now plaguing Sweden, Germany
9. He supports political correctness
10. Most egregious, he refused to apologize in the venue he did this for repeating without demur the NYTimes smear that I think actual slavery was “not so bad”


8:34 pm on November 8, 2016