We have one simple question – how is beating, dragging, stripping, and laughing at an innocent white man going to help the discourse about police violence against black men?
In Charlotte overnight…
#CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp pic.twitter.com/YWHEU2UV1n
— Libertarian Queen (@LibertarianQn) September 22, 2016
But that was not all… As Mediaite notes, among the many reports of violence from the Charlotte, North Carolina unrest Wednesday night was one particular shocking example: rioters tried to throw a news photographer into a burning fire. Local CW-affiliate WCCB was on the scene and tweeted out images of the fire and their initial report.
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Reprinted with permission from Zero Hedge.