A Hot Month for Clinton’s Body Count

Donald Trump threatened to kill Hillary Clinton last Tuesday. The Secret Service came to visit him and he’s looking at five years in prison. It’s all conjecture, of course, but that passes for cold, hard evidence this election and that’s because the whole thing is rigged. The media is completely in the tank for Hillary and they neither see, nor hear, nor speak of Hillary’s evil. Hey, guys, if you’re looking for murders, check out anyone who has ever crossed the Clintons. There are about 100 cases where some intern has slept with Bill or some lawyer knew too much or some investigator got too close and boom—he shoots himself in the back of the head at the top of a mountain at four in the morning.

The media cared about the sheer number of cases when 57 women said Bill Cosby raped them. If we brought the Hillary kill list down to 57, you’d be dealing with only the really, really spooky ones. Like the one last month where a DNC staffer, who may very well have supplied Julian Assange with the classified emails that brought massive embarrassment to the party, was shot in the back of the head in the middle of the night. Crisis of Character: A... Byrne, Gary J. Best Price: $1.88 Buy New $10.99 (as of 10:40 UTC - Details)

Seth Rich was talking to his girlfriend on the phone when a gunman came up behind him, shot him to death, and left without taking anything at all. Rich was in a nice neighborhood that I’m told hadn’t had a murder in six years. The Assange link got eye rolls from the left until he personally offered a $20K reward for any information leading to an arrest. A Dutch TV host pressed Julian on this and asked if it was a murder accusation directed at Hillary and the subject quickly died.

The list of victims goes on and on and on, and Google is happy to tell you how serious the accusations are and how tenuous the link is. You’ll likely come across left-wing bias where they pooh-pooh the link, but peel back another layer and it’s only a fraction of a percent less scary than you thought.

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Take the case of John Ashe, who was choked by his own barbells in June. The U.N. official was on trial for taking bribes from Chinese billionaire David Ng, a.k.a. Ng Lap Seng. Snopes wants you to know it’s a myth that it had anything to do with Hillary and even my buddy Steve Crowder claims, “He wasn’t going to be testifying against Hillary at any time.” The NY Post disagrees and claims that “the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng.” This seems likely as an ABC News story from last year reported on Ng’s multiple visits with the Clintons in 1997 when he was photographed having meetings with them. So Ashe is looking at prison time for dealing with a corrupt billionaire who has a history with Hillary Clinton. He could likely negotiate a leaner sentence if he had some information to impart, but he wouldn’t be able to impart it if his windpipe were crushed by a barbell (who the hell gets killed by their own barbell?).

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