ReadyNutrition Readers, this article is going to highlight several effective naturopathic remedies to assist in the removal of radiation from the human body. The information can be used if you are undergoing any treatments that have radiation therapy attached to them, such as chemotherapy, and can also be taken into consideration for preparation and survival. We have Fukushima that is an ongoing release of radiation into the Pacific Ocean, and we also have a world situation where the nations are poised on the brink of thermonuclear war. Knowing what to do when this type of disaster occurs can save your life and those around you. The most important point to go from here is to educate yourself on what happens when a nuke is dropped.
Types of Radiation Exposure
Radiation affects the tissues and leads to cancer risks with long-term exposure. For a really good expose on it, read Cresson Kearney’s “Nuclear War Survival Skills” series of information articles that give many different ways to protect against it. The information is free and downloadable from the internet. In this type of emergency, it is paramount that you understand the differences in radiation exposure.
Contamination – This is usually unintended contact from radioactive material such as dust or liquid. This type of exposure may be internal or external, but nevertheless, causes poisoning to the body.Irradiation – This is the process by which an object is exposed to radiation, but not radioactive material. This usually occurs with x-ray machines, cancer treatments and blood transfusions. That said, the exposure can originate from various sources, including natural sources. Irradiation can involve the whole body, which, if the dose is high enough, can result in systemic symptoms and radiation syndromes or a small part of the body (i.e., from radiation therapy), which can result in local effects.
What symptoms to look for with radiation poisoning: