As per the Standard Anti-Self-Defense Handbook, the Fibber-In-Chief just prominently included firearm suicides in his gun death tally. Thank goodness folks deprived of guns won’t use tranquilizers-plus-booze, carbon monoxide, razor blades, poison, etc. — and bridges, tall buildings, and open windows for jumping — if they can’t get guns!
Or is the Prez misleading us again?
Suicide by any means, while regrettable, is a voluntary act, and those determined, gun or no gun, nearly always succeed. With that in mind, let’s put things in perspective:
The 19,392 gun suicides in the U.S. in 2010 swamped the 11,078 firearm homicides. That is, firearm suicides amount to a whopping two-thirds of reported gun deaths, dwarfing all other categories combined.
So by lumping voluntary suicides in with homicides to inflate the anti-gun bogeyman — and scare the kids — the Liar-in-Chief is indeed trying to mislead us again.
Another interesting epicycle: A new study — not by the “Authorities” who, in the interest of self-preservation try to duck it — shows that U.S. cops killed at least 1,152 people last year, usually with firearms. This is the first time that statistic has been available because the FBI, etc. refuse to collect that data. For some reason.
That 1,152 deaths-by-cop is very close to 10% of the 11,078 homicides reported in 2010. Are those cop-caused killings included in the official figures? Someone else will have to answer that one. If so and the ratio holds, that would mean cops are responsible for about 10% of U.S. gun homicides.
And Obama’s drama coach should take a bow for the tear or two the Prez shed over the kids killed in school shootings. However, in addition to guns, there were two other ignored common factors:
- The government schools themselves which are profoundly damaging to most kids in the first place — and
- establishment drugs. That’s right, most school shooters were on prescribed anti-depressants like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.
And it isn’t always guns – – –
24 Injured In Stabbing At Franklin Regional High School ᆱ CBS Pittsburgh
Obama also fertilized the lie that, with our guns, we Americans are an extremely violent people. Despite that hate-speech from the Propagandist-in-Chief, when compared to other countries, the U.S. isn’t all that violent. About average, in fact.
Except, of course, Americans overseas. You know, those unfortunates in the military who are forced to invade countries under false pretenses, blow up wedding parties, funerals and hospitals with B-52s, drones and Hellfire Missiles, etc. And are thus creating enemies for our kids, grand kids and the yet unborn for generations to come.
In that overseas arena, however, as polls show, folks indeed think the United States — that is, the U.S. Government — is extremely violent and poses the greatest threat to world peace.
If Mr. Obama was sincere about reducing violence here “in the freest country in the world,” instead of illegitimately using “Executive Orders“ to further tinker with the U.S. Constitution, he would immediately decriminalize “illegal” drugs.
Judging by the composition of the all-time world record U.S. prison population, decriminalization would eliminate approximately two-thirds of the robbery, burglary, mugging etc. since that would crash the price and eliminate the need for folks to steal to support their drug habit.
Well, at least to support their non-establishment drug habit – – –
Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight – The New York Times
But forget polite-speak, the real reason our unpopular elected prevaricators are again attempting to disarm us is likely the real reason the Second Amendment exists. And is second only to the First Amendment.