Jeb’s Chances Improve!

An important news report on CNN this morning informs us that Jeb Bush “reveals new campaign slogan.” At last, the mainstream media can deal with issues that befit the mindsets of their reporters. In the two previous campaigns, Ron Paul made it all but impossible for the economically-illiterate and the morally-bankrupt to get to the heart of what was at stake. Ron’s focus on such matters as business cycles, monetary policies, the relevance of Newton’s Third Law of Motion to foreign policy, and personal liberty, put burdens upon the minds of media chatterers for which they were both ill-prepared and ill-disposed. Ahhh, but new campaign slogans: this topic they can handle. “Rickety, rickety, sis-boom-bah, Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush, rah-rah-rah.” With a slight change in meter, the slogan could be choreographed to fit John McCain’s now infamous dance-step: “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!”


2:21 pm on October 30, 2015

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