Culture, Art, Media and the CIA

Here is a retrospective of select articles that have appeared on LRC (and other sources) on the themes of culture, art, media, and the CIA: The CIA and the Media; Operation Mockingbird; the Georgetown SetLiterary Magazines for Socialists Funded by the CIA, Ranked; Exclusive: The Paris Review, the Cold War and the CIA; Modern Art Was CIA ‘Weapon’; Art and the CIAI’m glad the CIA is ‘immoral’; Past Is Prologue; The Phony Legacy of William F. Buckley, Jr.; “I’m Convinced That The Whole National Review Is A CIA Operation” — Murray RothbardSwine Before Perle — ‘The National Review’ Attack on LRC;  The New York Intellectuals and the invention of neoconservatism; Neoconservatism: A CIA Front? and The Real Agenda. They conclusively demonstrate that what purportedly goes by the name of “the political spectrum of left and right” in establishment academia and the mainstream media since the end of WWII has been a synthetic creation of the National Security State and its intelligence apparat.


11:54 pm on August 30, 2015