When I used to work in the city, my office location was not in the best area of town. Frequently, there were questionable people walking around. At the time, there had been an increase of violent crimes and some vehicles had been carjacked in the area. Needless to say, I did not want to be the next victim. As an added safety measure I walked with a group out to my car and always had my keys ready. I was lucky to never be a victim of of such heinous crimes, but I was always on the lookout.
Little did I know criminals use multiple ploys to get their victims out of the car. I believe there are ways to prepare for this type of personal crises and it all starts with good old-fashioned common sense and avoidance.
Victims Are Always Chosen With Certain Traits
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In a recent article on self-defense, I discussed how victims are not randomly selected. They are observed and picked because they are perceived to be weak. In a study regarding how predators selected their victims, pedestrians were videotaped walking down a street and had incarcerated convicts view them. Within seven seconds of viewing the pedestrians the convicts had selected their targets. Selections were not based on gender, size, age or race, but rather on the body language exhibited. The convicts identified the following body language cues used as their basis for victim selection:
Posture: People that walked with shoulders slouched or slumped were selected as victims as opposed to those who walked with their chin up.
UST JetScream Floating... Buy New $5.99 (as of 08:10 UTC - Details) Gaze: Those avoiding eye contact were chosen as victims because of the perception that they were preoccupied. Making eye contact naturally communicates confidence.
Stride: People who walked with a stride that was too long or too short, or those who shuffled or dragged their feet, were selected over those who had a smooth and natural gait.
Rate: Those who walked slowly with no apparent purpose, and those who walked fast as if they were uncomfortable, were selected over those who walked naturally and deliberately.
Fluidity: Those who demonstrated awkwardness in their movements were chosen over those who seemed to glide as they walked.
Wholeness: Those who swung their arms wildly while walking were selected over those who moved from their center, with coordination and balance.
The #1 Way to Avoid Being Carjacked
In a SHTF scenario, many urbanites who are bugging out of the city could easily find themselves in a carjacking situation. In times of crisis, you have to face the fact that people will kill you, if necessary, for what you have, and do anything they can to get you out of your car – even trick you. In a bug out scenario, you will have valuables, computer gear, survival items – these could all be worth taking a life for. They will choose their life over yours’, so keep that in mind. In desperate times, you have to assume the worse and make every priority to keep your family safe. Situational awareness is the number one way to avoid being carjacked.
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Situational Awareness Checklist
- Try to guess what individuals around you are thinking or doing.
- Look for odd behavior or things that seem out of place.
- Determine where you would go if you had to seek immediate cover from an explosion or gunshots.
- Find the closest exit.
- Determine whether someone is following you or taking an unusual interest in you.
Understanding where the most likely places for this type of crime are can help you avoid and prepare for the likelihood of what you may come face to face with. For instance, did you know that two
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out of three vehicles are carjacked at night? Pay extra attention to your surroundings when it’s dark; especially in the more likely carjacking strike locations: gas stations, ATM machines, parking lots and shopping centers. As well, keep these other areas in mind.
- High-crime areas
- Lesser traveled roads (rural areas)
- Intersections where you must stop
- Residential driveways and gates
- Traffic jams or congested areas
- Suspicious roadblocks
- Areas that could easily hide a group of criminals so they blitz you all at once.