Conservative Critics of the Atomic Bombing of Japan

Barton J. Bernstein, editor of the great revisionist anthology, Towards a New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History, observes that “American conservatives are the forgotten critics of the atomic bombing of Japan.” Two traditionalist conservatives Bernstein neglected to mention in his article were Richard Weaver and Russell Kirk. Bernstein’s revealing piece aptly demonstrates how because of the neocon contagion, today’s vicious  amnesiacs masquerading as conservatives have no sense of their antecedent roots or the distinguished legacy of their forefathers in opposition to preemptive and total war.  The only over-arching tradition these blood-thirsty interlopers own up to is that Conservatism, since the days of Burke and Robespierre, has stood for the status quo and an apologia for tyranny.


11:46 am on August 6, 2014