History Repeats: CIA Files Reveal US Aided Saddam’s Chemical Attacks

As Obama continues to shove the blame on Syria’s Assad over the chemical attacks that were admitted by mainstream media months ago to be planned by the Obama administration to initiate military activity in Syria, declassified CIA files reveal that the US government has a history of assisting and facilitating chemical attacks against innocents.

Specifically, the declassified files expose the deeply nefarious relationship between the Reagan-led United States government and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. And just as Obama decries the chemical attacks within Syria that were actually launched by his administration as a pretext to military action, it is now revealed that Reagan played the same card back in 1988.

In both scenarios, we see that the administrations had no problem gassing women and children if it meant furthering their agenda.

For Obama, it means turning Syria into another Libya scenario, requiring the chemical attack in order to unleash the full military force of the United States in a ‘humane’ way through the response to the attacks. For Reagan back in 1988, it was essential to secure an Iraq victory first and foremost. And if it meant chemical attacks on Iran, then so be it. After all, the US government would simply deny it.

As Air Force Col. Rick Francona put it when speaking to Foreign Policy on the declassified documents,

“The Iraqis never told us that they intended to use nerve gas. They didn’t have to. We already knew.”

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