Some books are considered classics for their ability to provide us with insight into human nature. Recently, while studying George Orwell’s 1984, I had the epiphany that talk radio is, in many ways, becoming a modern-day Ministry of Truth.
But I’m probably not the only one to notice that what once was a voice for limited government and free speech has taken on a clear authoritarian tone.
In Orwell’s novel, the Ministry of Truth was tasked with spinning the facts to make them fit the party line, and keeping the public in a mindset of never-ending war. It was Big Brother’s chief means of controlling the information available to the people of Oceania.
One of its handiest tools was the infamous “two minutes hate” broadcast daily for the purpose of whipping the people’s emotions into frenzied hatred for the regime’s enemies and critics and into adoration of Big Brother. Dissent was effectively curtailed.
Much of national talk radio today serves the same purpose as Big Brother’s Ministry of Truth by endlessly spinning coverage of the issues in a light favorable to the chosen party line. Narrowly constructed arguments attempt to define issues with the false choices of liberal vs. conservative, Republican vs. Democrat, etc. Airwaves bristle with constant agitation for war and the demonizing of those who are designated as enemies.
Even the “two minutes hate” has its place wherein those who refuse to toe the party line can expect to be labeled, denounced and berated by the ministry’s defenders. And, as in Orwell’s novel, the audience screams its approval.
Talk radio was once a place where disagreement was actually encouraged in contrast to the more sedate National Public Radio programs that consisted primarily of folks sitting around politely agreeing with one another. Disagreement provided the catalyst for wide-ranging discussions. Though the politics of talk radio ran hard to the political right, many listeners found that it tended to stimulate independent thought. If nothing else, it made for compelling exchanges and vigorous dialogue.
Throughout the Clinton years, talk radio was a rallying point for the political right while engaging in a boisterous and vigorous resistance to the left. It was highly ideological, but provided a counter to the political left’s mainstream media juggernaut. Where the major media was more likely to embrace a collectivist viewpoint, talk radio for the most part still held to traditional beliefs in constitutional government, personal liberty, religious freedom, and strong national defense.
But the 9/11 attacks were the watershed moment from which the new voice of talk radio would emerge.
With a nominal conservative in the White House, talk radio donned a cloak of nationalism thinly disguised as patriotism and became the unwavering mouthpiece of the administration. The same voices which once decried governmental intrusion under the Clinton administration instead became the prime defenders of exactly such policies by the current administration. Now, as a tool to stifle dissent, talk radio is actually working to limit the debate on issues that profoundly affect all of us.
The days in which opinions could be exchanged and the truth could stand on its own merits are fading. Perhaps it’s still possible in some circles, but talk radio is increasingly becoming a medium where the polarization is nearly absolute. When we’ve reached the point where we can no longer talk to one another, we’re setting the stage for real conflict such as we’ve seen in the Balkans and Middle East.
Some will certainly counter that talk radio is only giving the audience what it wants. I understand perfectly how the game is played and I’ve successfully thrown red meat to the crowd to generate ratings and can testify that it does work. But if it’s just about the ratings and doing whatever it takes to create them, then let’s at least be honest and admit that talk radio now has more in common with Jerry Springer or pro wrestling.
Though it’s never been perfect, there was a time when talk radio provided an accessible forum in which free speech thrived. Now it loves Big Brother.
Given the choice to inspire instead of tear down or to inform instead of propagandize, isn’t it obvious where the greater value lies?
August 31, 2006