A Special Invitation for You from Pat Buchanan...

My Friend,

Something Important is Missing in Today’s Liberal-Conservative Debate.


That’s the reason I started The American Conservative magazine. And why I’m inviting you to become a Charter Subscriber.

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The American Conservative deals directly and honestly with questions that have vanished from today’s discussion about the future of America – Questions We Must Ask as Conservatives:

  • What is it that makes America the best country on earth?
  • Why are we really so hell-bent on conquering Iraq?
  • Is America committing suicide through unchecked immigration?
  • Why is it that the big shots of struggling and bankrupt corporations have gotten so rich?
  • Why are so many faithful employees standing on the unemployment line?
  • Why is the American worker worse off today than he was 20 years ago?
  • How responsible is Hollywood for the cultural decline?

Issues like these have disappeared beneath the surface of today’s public discourse. Wouldn’t you like to help push them back into view? As a Conservative, you’re already uniquely qualified.

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Why not become a Charter Subscriber right now!

And Bring on the Debate over the Future of America!


Pat Buchanan