Marshall Fritz, the brilliant founder of the Separation of School and State makes it clear that when you homeschool you do not pay twice for your children’s education.
You only pay one time, not two. Many public school math teachers will be confused already. Therefore, I will go slowly for those who teach math in the public schools: 1 is less than 2.
The Government School Tyranny
The public school system was created for the state by the state. Whether or not one chooses to homeschool, one still must pay taxes to put others in a Godless, broken, education system. We might as well call it what it is however, and a public school tyranny funded by your family’s taxes.
But ask yourself what those taxes fund. Do they fund your child’s education if you make the grave mistake (and sin) of sending your little ones into Satan’s Synagogues known also as the public schools? No, your child does not get an education. An indoctrination is not an education. Your child gets indoctrinated by your tax dollars and the tax dollars of your neighbors who also have to pay for your child’s indoctrination. But your child does not get an education.
People often blame the Government (and they should) and the school administration (and they should) for the bad education in this country. But those same people will defend teachers saying, “There are some good teachers.”
I suggest that the ONLY good teachers are those teachers who warn parents every day to pull their children from the public schools. All the rest care more for their paycheck than they care about warning the parents to rescue the children. It’s that simple.
Those same people would never defend evil prison camps by saying, “Well, there are some good prison guards.” (Not that I’m comparing the public schools with prison camps because I wouldn’t want to disparage prison camps…)
Don’t Close the Schools Tomorrow… Close Them Today
The system is corrupt and cannot be fixed. The system cannot be reformed. Institutions do not repent. The schools must go.
“BUT WAIT,” you say, “What are you saying,” you ask. I realize that if we closed the government school system tonight, the following would take place:
- Children would be far less likely to learn how many earrings fit in their left nostrils.
- Children would be unable to experience the joy of being inspected by school teachers, administrators, and nurses who are latent pedophiles (you read in the news almost EVERY day of a public school teacher or administrator who molests a child, but it’s such common news that it’s often buried on page 13-C).
- If we closed the government school system then children could not learn the importance of an open mind towards homosexual experimentation.
- If we closed the government school system tonight then kids would not learn that truth is only relative, that whatever is good for you is right as long as you have self-esteem (the two Columbine murderers had LOTS of self-esteem… the school system really taught them well).
- If we closed the government schools tonight, I realize that teachers could no longer blame parents for bad children — The late 60s and 70s began the modern liberal thought in America’s government schools and teachers who blame the parents (teachers always blame the parents) are speechless when you then ask, “Well, who taught the parents?” (Ask them, you’ll see, teachers really HATE that question after they’ve blamed the parents for all their ills).
- Children would no longer believe the lie that they evolved from slime if we closed the public schools tonight, and without that important public school education they’ll begin to see that life has more meaning than their teachers used to make them believe.
- If we closed the schools tonight, how in the world would the children learn that you can have sex with anything you want as long as a condom’s involved somewhere along the way?????
How much of your income goes to your local school district? We paid almost $5,000 in property taxes, per year to one school district, before we moved to acreage to get away from as much municipal tyranny as possible. On top of that, how much of your other taxes go to schools, directly or indirectly? How much towards the Department of Education’s programs, failed programs such as D.A.R.E. that have been proved to cause more drug use among school children? How much of your time is spent wasted — waiting in traffic behind stopped school buses (I mean, children jails) each day?
I ask you this: If you attend church, Does the total percentage of money you spend on the government’s school system equal or surpass your church tithe? Why do you tithe your and other people’s children to the State 6+ hours each day?
Nobody has the moral right to force someone else to help pay for a child’s education. Why is stealing okay when it’s done by the government? When the NAZIs murdered the Jews, it was NOT okay just because “the government did it.” And when the government steals money from us to pay for education, it is not okay.
Four words a public school teacher does not understand: Thou Shall Not Steal.
Government school children’s Dads might teach their young ones not to steal and then put them on the yellow school bus each morning, paid for by the neighbors all around them. The child learns stealing is not okay unless it’s done by government decree. They also learn Dad is an idiot. And if they don’t learn it that way, teachers (and every sitcom on TV) make sure children learn that Dad’s an idiot.
Columbine-Like Rampages
The Columbine teachers taught a program called “death education” three years before the Columbine murders. They taught kids that suicide was an option and that death was not something to be avoided at all costs both for you or for others. Well, why not? We all evolved from slime, we’re no better than animals, animals kill other animals. A reporter was commenting on one of the murderer’s T-shirt that had this phrase on it: Survival of the Fittest. The reporter actually looked straight at the camera and said, “It’s not really clear what was meant by that shirt.” The only time the national media won’t passionately defend evolution is when it would expose the foolishness behind it.
I suppose I must admit once again, those Columbine teachers really did their intended jobs. But the Liberal’s nightmare always kicks in eventually: The Law of Unintended Consequences.
“What? NOBODY blames the teachers for Columbine!!!!” (I hear you saying that.) I do. It’s simple. It takes effort to become as dumb as a public school administrator. In fact, what does it take? It takes a degree in education to get that foolish. You’re not born that stupid, you have to REALLY work at it.
Who become the administrators? Only the “best teachers” get promoted to the administration positions.
Education is Not the Answer
We have a fixation on Education in this country. Education does not work to solve problems. The drug education such as D.A.R.E. in our schools exacerbates the problem. The more alcohol and tobacco education we have, the bigger problems that we get in those areas.
Liberals (most Republicans and Democrats) love to say that education is the answer to our problems. If that were true (it’s not), would any doctor smoke? Would any police officer ever commit a crime?? Wouldn’t the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-greedy, all-corrupt public school system have solved all our problems by now?
“Raise the test scores” we keep hearing. Let me be blunt: The test scores are NOT the problem. If all public school children received straight-As this next year, our society would be worse off because then we would have smart thugs instead of stupid ones, people who are smarter and who still do not know right from wrong. Besides, the test score increase would be false and have nothing to do with increased knowledge anyway; teachers want to keep their jobs and the scores will rise to the required level to keep their jobs because they will dumb down the tests as needed and they’ve done this for several years and the trend keeps continuing.
Public school teachers are the enemy.
Public school officials are the enemy.
Don’t waste your time fighting to get prayers back in schools! That’s doing nothing more than re-arranging the deck chairs as the Titanic sinks. Instead of working to put prayer back into schools, you should work to rescue children out of the entire government school system.
July 11, 2005