Trump Cards

This is for you poker players out there: Trump appears to be conceding far too much to Russia, but it could be part of a plan. In poker, the strong hand plays it cool at the start. The weak one bluffs, pretending to be strong. Trump could be bluffing giving away too much, but perhaps that’s the only way to get Vlad involved and talking. Let’s face it: Ukraine has no cards to play with, and Europe is a busted flush. So why not make sure you deal with the only player in the room? If Europe, especially Britain—whose impotents are screaming their heads off at the Trump sellout—had any cojones, it would have dropped leftist idiocies such as net zero, slashed taxes, and deregulated. Also increased the size of its armed forces and embraced modern warfare and free speech, thus repositioning itself as America’s partner and comrade-in-arms. Instead Europe has done the opposite, with the exception of Poland and Hungary. Disintegration: Indica... Martyanov, Andrei Buy New $28.95 (as of 05:08 UTC - Details)

See what I mean about Trump playing poker and drawing Putin to the table? He did the same thing with the proposed Gaza Riviera, n’est-ce pas, cher amis? Now Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf types are getting together and planning to save the cemetery that is Gaza from what Trump plans to turn into the new Monte Carlo (God forbid). That’s what makes me think that rootin’ for Putin and the Gaza Riviera are both bluffs by the dealmaker Trump. If I’m wrong, my punishment will be internal exile to Monte Carlo, a fate far worse than death or moving to Gaza.

“Rootin’ for Putin and the Gaza Riviera are both bluffs by the dealmaker Trump.”

Mind you, I’m only guessing. The Donald hasn’t shown me his poker hand, despite the fact that I happen to be his closest friend. Actually, I’ve met him only once, and just for a brief moment. It was a long time ago, at a black-tie party given by Lord Black for his wife, the writer Barbara Amiel, and The Donald was the guest of honor. I was seated on the left of Melania and across from an unpleasant journalist whose name I’ve forgotten. (Actually, I think he has since died.) Back then NATO was bombing the hell out of the Serbs, and Melania, being a Slovenian, was interested in what I had to say. I was against the bombing and pro-Serb, and the jerk across the table kept interrupting a private conversation. After the third interruption I warned him that if he continued he would get punched rather hard in the kisser. He discontinued. The Case for Christ: A... Strobel, Lee Best Price: $2.99 Buy New $8.99 (as of 06:56 UTC - Details)

After dinner and well in my cups, I noticed a large orange figure approaching. It was you-know-who. He stuck out his hand, told me I was a great man, and went on his way. It was the first and last time I saw either of them. Melania had obviously told him that I almost punched out the hack, and The Donald must have liked that. On such brief moments great friendships come to be. Oh, well!

The out-of-touch but overpaid columnists and TV personalities foaming at the mouth in Britain and the U.S. have not bothered to think about this due to their social commitments. The entrenched illiberal left that makes up a great part of what is called the media no longer seems able to think due to shock. The fact that hundreds of millions of dollars have disappeared in the Ukraine has never been raised. But The Donald knows about it and will bring it up when he meets with the Ukrainian president. Just as the media disagree hypocritically with the free-speech values they claim to uphold, so they fail to mention the corruption of the Ukraine leaders.

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