Europe Wants War So It Can Sell Bonds

After the Austrian Archduke and heir to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, the Austrian court felt compelled to strike a blow against Serbia and its encouragement of nationalism in the Balkans. And so, the Austrian court issued an ultimatum to the Serbian government.

Everyone with any brains in Europe understood there was no way Serbian Regent Crown Prince Alexander could accept the ultimatum, because doing so amounted to ceding Serbian sovereignty to the Austrians.

The trouble for the Austrians was twofold: Quercetin with Bromela... Buy New $24.95 ($0.21 / Count) (as of 01:41 UTC - Details)

1). The Serbs enjoyed strong backing from Russia, though it would take a while for the Russians to mobilize.

2). The Austrians didn’t have enough money in the treasury to mobilize a large army on the frontier—without committing to war—for very long.

This created an urgency for the Austrians to commence hostilities with the logic that once hostilities began and Austrian soldiers were in harm’s way, the court could sell war bonds to the people, who would be exhorted to buy them out of patriotic duty.

An old Austrian lady told me about her grandfather’s experience being mobilized against Serbia in 1914. He told shocking stories of how poorly prepared and equipped the Austrian army was for the invasion, which proved to be a total disaster for the Austrians.

Keir Starmer, Emmanuel Macron, and Ursula von der Leyen are now apparently determined to make the exact same mistake the Austrians made in 1914. It seems they want to put Europe on the warpath, and it’s likely that one of their greatest motives is the need for financing.

British debt has been out of control since 2008. All of the British government’s mind-boggling stupid policies and debt gorging when interest rates were low have placed it in a financially untenable situation.

The same is true of France and Germany. The latter country sacrificed its splendid manufacturing economy—giving millions of young men skilled labor jobs—on the alter of the fantastically irrational religion of Green Energy and other follies.

The Deeper State: Insi... Maginnis, Lt. Col. Robert Best Price: $1.29 Buy New $11.77 (as of 06:27 UTC - Details) Throughout history, when profligate governments have faced insolvency, they have resorted to the emergency of war to justify creating yet more debt.

The financial logic of war has always been the same—namely, put young men in harm’s way, and when they start dying, the people back home will be roused to go along with the war instead of realizing that the true enemy consists of their only profligate, ruthless, and immoral leaders.

Our Founding Fathers understood this perfectly and strongly desired for the new American republic to avoid playing this corrupt game. The trouble for them was and remains the obstinacy of human nature, which, under the spell of propaganda, always falls for the war trick.

This originally appeared on Courageous Discourse.