Donald Trump published the following on “Truth Social” about the heroic Congressman Tom Massie, in response to Massie’s voting against Trump’s budget proposal: “Thank you to the House Freedom Caucus for just delivering a big blow to the Radical Left Democrats and their desire to raise Taxes and SHUT OUR COUNTRY DOWN! They hate America and all it stands for. That’s why they allowed MILLIONS of Criminals to invade our Nation. Sometimes it takes great courage to do the right thing. Congressman Thomas Massie, of beautiful Kentucky, is an automatic “NO” vote on just about everything, despite the fact that he has always voted for Continuing Resolutions in the past. HE SHOULD BE PRIMARIED, and I will lead the charge against him. He’s just another GRANDSTANDER, who’s too much trouble, and not worth the fight. He reminds me of Liz Chaney before her historic, record breaking fall (loss!). The people of Kentucky won’t stand for it, just watch. DO I HAVE ANY TAKERS??? Anyway, thank you again to the House Freedom Caucus for your very important vote. We need to buy some time in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. Unite and Win!!! (italics removed)
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Was Trump justified in what he said? Of course not! Trump continually campaigned on the promise to cut spending, but the budget proposal he supports was much higher than that of President Obama, as the great David Stockman has pointed out: “But for crying out loud, Donald, Congressman Massie has actually read every line of this 110 page abomination and knows that it provides spending authority of $1.658 trillion, which is 47% more than Big Spender Obama’s last budget. It will virtually cancel every dime DOGE has allegedly saved.”
Massie wasn’t disturbed by Trump’s threat, posting on Twitter that “Doesn’t work on me. Three times I’ve had a challenger who tried to be more MAGA than me. Doesn’t work. None busted 25% because my constituents prefer transparency and principles over blind allegiance.”
Massie is sound on Covid: “I have a bill to end the COVID jab mandate for legal immigrants, but Trump just suspended the mandate.” “Hallelujah!” he added. The representative also slammed former President Joe Biden in a separate post for initially approving the requirement. “But the reality is this: President Biden invented this cruel and unscientific mandate without congressional approval, so President Trump could end it today with his pen,” he wrote.” “I will sign an order to stop our warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments while on duty,” Trump said. “It’s going to end immediately. Our armed forces will be able to focus on its sole mission: defeating America’s enemies.”
Trump says he wants to end America’s involvement in the Ukraine war, but we are still shipping arms to Ukraine, and Trump has rescinded his withdrawal of American intelligence to guide Ukraine in its missile strikes. After Zelensky accepted Trump’s demands, he has indicated that if Putin does not agree to a cease fire, there will be dire consequences for Russia. All Trump cares about is that Zelensky kowtows to him. Massie, on the other hand, favors an immediate withdrawal of all arms shipments and financial aid to Ukraine. “Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) were the only lawmakers who voted against four bills on Wednesday that either reprimanded Russia and Belarus or supported Ukraine more than ten weeks into Moscow’s war. Greene and Massie were the only two lawmakers to vote “no” on three of the four bills. The fourth piece of legislation received resistance from 56 Republicans. All four bills passed through the House with bipartisan support. The GOP duo was the only opposition to the Russia and Belarus Financial Sanctions Act, which asserts that foreign entities and individuals under the jurisdiction of U.S. institutions are required to comply with sanctions the Biden administration has slapped on Moscow and Minsk. Reached for comment about his votes against the legislation, Massie told The Hill that the bills he objected to would put Americans at risk and lengthen the Russia-Ukraine conflict, among other claims. “Congress has voted for ten bills now that will put US citizens at risk, prolong the conflict in Ukraine, waste tax-payer money, increase domestic food and energy prices, and draw us further into this conflict. I have voted against all of them,” he wrote in a statement.”
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As everybody knows, the heart of Trump’s economic policy is support for tariffs. Tariffs are ruinous for American consumers and an assault on a basic principle of the free market. As our great Mises Institute President Tom DiLorenzo has written, “There’s a saying in economics that a tax on imports is also a tax on exports. This is because if America’s foreign trading partners are impoverished by protectionist tariffs, they will then have fewer dollars with which to purchase American goods in international trade, especially agricultural products. This will obviously harm American exporters and their employees and communities. This is also patently unfair. There is nothing more anti-populist than protectionist tariff taxes. President Trump has repeatedly stated with great excitement that with his impending huge tariff tax increases “we,” meaning the federal government, are “going to take in A LOT of money.” Well now. Since when has it been the priority of the Trump administration to drain the pockets of American consumers and businesses with tariff taxes so that the federal bureaucracy can become even more enlarged and bloated than it already is? Isn’t that a flat contradiction of all of President Trump’s campaign promises, not to mention the professed goal of the DOGE?”
Massie is opposed to tariffs. As Steve Hanke, one of the foremost authorities on free trade, has noted, Masse said that “[Tariffs] create a whole industry of lobbyists who come to Congress looking for exemptions from these tariffs… It becomes a nightmare.” Hanke added that Massie is one of the few on Capitol Hill who understands how the CORRUPT tariff system works.
Massie also wants a complete shutoff of US aid to Israel. The left-wing magazine The Nation has noted the anomaly that Massie often votes against his fellow “conservatives” on aid to Israel: “But on matters of war and peace, he often sides with progressives, positioning himself as a libertarian-leaning Republican who opposes US military interventionism and military aid packages for foreign countries, including Israel. That stance has drawn sharp criticism from neoconservatives in general, who worry about the return of the sort of old-school Republican isolationism that reflexively opposed military interventions and foreign aid packages, and in particular from AIPAC, which has objected to his many votes against aid to Israel, as well as his rejection of resolutions backing Netanyahu’s government. Leading up to the Kentucky GOP primary on May 21, the AIPAC-affiliated United Democracy Project spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attack ads against the incumbent. One such ad announced, “Israel, the Holy Land, [is] under attack by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Congressman Tom Massie. Massie responded by calling out the attack ads, arguing that the “AIPAC superPAC just bought $300,000 of ads against me because I am often the lone Republican for freedom of speech, against foreign aid, and opposed to wars in the Middle East.” And Republican primary voters rallied to his defense, giving the incumbent three-quarters of the vote in the contest against his two rivals, including a former contender for the state’s Republican gubernatorial nomination. Massie said the results were a message for AIPAC, declaring on election day, “AIPAC, your smear campaign on this American has backfired.” He also said the result was a signal to his party’s leadership in Washington. “I don’t vote for wars, and I don’t vote for foreign aid,” Massie said. “That puts me apart from most of my colleagues in Washington, D.C., but hopefully my colleagues will see that you can get 75 percent of the vote back home if you just represent those things in the Republican Party.”
Let’s do everything we can to support Thomas Massie’s fight for the free market and a non-interventionist foreign policy! As the great Dr. Ron Paul has said, “He happens to believe that you’re supposed to follow your oath of office; it’s no more complicated than that.”