By seizing the initiative Trump and Musk stole a march on corrupt Democrats and their whore media. The whore media has been destroyed by the large amount of information that came out of the government’s own data clearly demonstrating immense theft from taxpayers by Democrats and misuse of approprIated funds by USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, Social Security and Medicare, US Treasury, Department of Health and Human Services, and the use of federal funds for advertising private abortion clinics and sex change operations–thus the use of our money to contribute to immoral profits, use of taxpayer funds to pay the whore media to lie and deceive the American public, and major blockbusters about to hit with the audits of the Defense Department and IRS, likely the two most corrupt agencies of all.
The Democrats’ corruption of the US budget that Musk revealed before corrupt judges, themselves on the take, could illegally and unconstitutionally delay release of official government data to the cabinet secretaries and the President of the United States elevates the Biden Regime to the most corrupt government in human history. The world has never seen anything like the corruption of the past four years. A world record.
The shame of the Democrat Biden Regime is indelible. America will never live it down.
The media concentration that comprises the whore media today is inconsistent with the Sherman Anti-trust Act. In the last year of his corrupt regime, Bill Clinton, little doubt well paid, permitted the creation of a media monopoly, owned, it seems, by Jews. A law contrary to the Sherman Anti-trust Act, most likely introduced by the Israel Lobby, permitted six mega-corporations controlled, apparently, by Jews, to concentrate 90% of the American media into six hands. By signing on to this, Clinton not only was in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act, he was also in violation of the established American tradition of an independent and dispersed media.The Congress, apparently fearful of being cut off from Israel Lobby financing, went along with the monopolization of the American media.
Now is the time to close down the whorehouse that is the legacy media. The media existed on USAID and National Endowment for Democracy illegal grants and on the profits from other enterprises in the conglomerates. If thesis mega-corporations are broken up, which they must be if Trump’s government is to be in compliance with US law, the legacy media will cease to exist. This will disempower the American Establishment which used the media to create the false reality in which they kept the American population while the establishment pursued its own agendas.
Since the rise of the American liberals’ campaign to de-Americanize us of our principles, beliefs, morality, history, and self-confidence, the Democrat left has been the principle agent of the American Establishment to turn the US into a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel.
Under the anti-American Biden Regime, 3.6 million immigrant-invaders were allowed illegally to enter the United States each year, and the anti-American governor and attorney general of New York helped the immigrant-invaders hide their illegality by giving them NY driving licenses. This is illegal, a violation of federal law.
Blue state regimes have declared their resistance to federal authority to close the border. This does not differ from the “rebellion” of Southern states that refused to pay the Morrill Tariff. When a government has anti-American governors of states, as America has, it is irrevocably divided. Either the anti-Americans prevail or the Americans prevail. If Trump and MAGA Americans do not understand this, they will lose and be exterminated. The future of America will be decided in the next four years.
If Trump can avoid being sent to war for Israel against Iran, in which case his agenda will be put on the back burner, Trump could possibly stop the de-Americanization and resurrect the America that once existed. But not if Americans prefer their amusements to a bitter fight. If Americans are not willing to fight their Democrat internal enemies, America will go down to defeat.